About me, huh? I always feel so vain when I talk about myself, but okay. I was born on the Halloween of 1989. Many ask me if this was fun, having a birthday on a holiday full of candy and parties. While I LOVE my birthday and the Hallows Eve theme overall, my parents unfortunately made me choose early in life between going Trick 'o Treating or a birthday party. So I actually stopped dressing up and going out years ago. Also with my birthday on a holiday that all children generally get something it probably sort of feels like having a birthday on X-mas or something. Everyone feels special so that those who actually have b-days on those days don't feel special at all. Depressing, but o'well. Personally I wouldn't trade it for all the candy in the world. (Pun intended)
Currently I'm attending WSU and getting my Majors -yes two!- in Zoology and English: Creative Writing. Long story short I clung onto the ideal of being a Veterinarian because it excited my parental unites so much and made them proud whenever they talked to others. I also didn't like floundering about not knowing what I wanted to do, so basically when I was in eight grade I picked being a Vet and stuck with it all the way until last year when I realized that: While I love animals and would like to help them, my heart simply wasn't in it. Moving away from home gave me freedom, then not paying attention in class and writing stories OR missing class in general to write and create fun worlds to escape into, started to get my ass in trouble and my grades started slipping. Now I do need to say, I was an A student. My parents were the believers that if I got anything but an A I was slacking or something was wrong with me. So when I moved to a bigger/harder University all by myself and my grades were B's and no matter what I did I couldn't get an A... I started to get depressed and psych myself out during exams, which in turn made me struggle all the more. Then last year I got my first C and one D this last spring. I also found out that I'm clinically depressed and have been taking pills this past year to help. Unfortunately I still was having issues. Until finally I decided I won't, no can't be a Vet. I simply don't have the drive. But I will finish my Zoology degree. I'm only one class away, why waste all that hard work?
Anyway, I began that fearful floundering. I think I have been for a while, my subconscious realizing I didn't really know what I wanted to do with my life and was freaking out. My life was off kilter and I felt like I was drowning. Then one day it hit me. Seriously, I was sitting there writing and the answer I needed was staring right back at me. Writing. It's been my one constant since (now this is funny) eighth grade. Silly huh? Even when I'm not writing I'm building worlds to escape to, when I hit my lowest point in depression I would lay on the couch doing nothing but daydream. Now why didn't I realize it back in eighth when I decided to be a Vet? Who knows...
My political beliefs are... complicated. I hate Republicans. But Democrats aren't all that better really. No one is looking out for Mother Earth, it's always 'us'. And I hate that. There's more, but I really shouldn't go into it...
Family: Got two loving parents. A boy friend of seven years and three cats, Pumpkin, Stella, and Possom. Oh and my characters. ;D
I'm drawing a blank on anything else I could put here... But I think that's enough for now.
compelling and interesting. I want to hear more. last written word by you, that i can see, was in Feb.. Hope Spring brings a rebirth in confidence for your natural talent and abilities for writing.