Friday, December 28, 2012
Chapter twenty nine up!! Even with christmas I managed to knock out a 10k chapter. Sweet! I also redid the cover for the first one and made models for the next two. Let's hope this productiveness stays.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Yay! I got chapter 28 done. :D Now I need to decide if I wanna start working on 29 or work a little on rewriting previous for these next few days -seeing as I won't have a lot of time to myself. Eh... I feel like working on new chapters. Anyway. Happy Holiday's everyone. I probably won't post anything on here until afterwards.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
So working on rewriting chapter 11 now. Speedy speedy, I know. Thing was not all the chapters needed rewriting. Just a few fixes between five and nine that took hardly anytime. I keep reminding myself that I want to add NEW chapters and for that reason if something doesn't bug me that much I'll leave it (and believe me there were bunches of things that bugged me, but I could live with them unlike the bulk of the things I did change). Anyways. Halfway through 11. Will have it done tomorrow morning. I have actually read three chapters ahead. I was too tired to think write to fix chapter 11, but not enough to sleep so I kept reading. I'm happy to say there are not any major issues with them and probably won't be many after either so I say a few more days and I'll get started on finishing chapter 28. Hope those who are on winter break are having a good one.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Okay so had to reread my own story to make sure I'm not forgetting anything... And, big surprise, I decided the beginning chapters were not the quality I liked. I have re-re-rewritten chapters 1-3 and am starting on 4 now. Roughly a chapter a day. I don't think I will have to rewrite all of them, especially the last ones which I know are okay, but my voice/style has changed yet again and I realized/saw where I was being lazy on these first four. So while you guys might not see it, I am working -slowly, but surely- on Choices!
Friday, December 14, 2012
Finals are done!!!! And now that I'm free from school obligations I am fully committed to finishing Choices saga one before the month is out (or in the least getting almost done). I may or may not work on other fanworks during this time, depends on how I'm feeling and how much I have gotten done on Choices. So ye all been warned. I will be posting like crazy. ;D
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Plot bunnies are evil during finals! But hey I finally figured out how to combine/work in some of my older plots that haven't gone any where. Introducing the wild series of stories from Tales From The Grave with the prequel to all of them Tale To the Grave:
Tale To The Grave-
Prequel to the three series of stories for Tales From The Grave, all of which
start out similar and yet become vastly different AU worlds. This is to show the
events leading up to Bulma's death by Freeza after Earth is invaded for the
sole purpose of making Humans slaves.
Tales From the Grave-
~BitterSweet Vengeance-
Bulma gladly accepted the spirits' terms when they asked if she wanted to take vengeance upon those who killed her and enslaved her people, but will she find
the price too much when nothing is as black and white as she thought?
~When Gods Come To
Seconds after the bliss of death comes, Bulma finds that the human sufferings
have awakened Earth's Old Gods. Not wanting to die yet and partly wanting vengeance she
merges with one. Will her new mischievous self punish those who have done her
wrong or lead her into more trouble and to a second death?
~Living Metal-
Is there something worse than death? Yes, having your not yet cooling corpse be
a plaything for a mad scientist. A newly resurrected Bulma must struggle to
keep what little humanity she has left as she fights for her freedom from her
two masters or else risk becoming a monster worse than them both.
Thoughts? Ideas? I'm open to suggestions!! Frankly I'm excited and it's distracting me from this stupid paper I'm supposed to be writing... So I thought posting it on here would help me concentration since its telling someone. (Yeah right! Makes me want to write the damn things...) Anyway, time to go make crap into art.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Well, school is over with but I still have three projects I need to complete before I can concentrate on my writing -.- sucks, I know but that is life. Just wanted to say, almost there just one more week!
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