Monday, June 25, 2012


Soooo. Posted that Chapter 4 of Falling Rain and almost finished with 5. Really hope more people start reading it. And reviewing. Bums me when I don't get any. Uh, started working on Choices. I'm still hung up on that stupid sex scene between Goku/ChiChi. But I have gotten further into it and I have gotten better. I really think the biggest issue is I just have problems seeing the two of them this intimate. -.- Sucks. I might have to chicken out and give what I have, start the next scenes and get it over with cause I really want to get this Saga done with to work on the second. I also just finished my first revision of Resistance Chapter 1. I have to go through it a little more when my eyes aren't so tired, but should have that done soon. Also went through my first chapter of Night Robin. LOVE IT! Fixed a few things. Also started the second Chapter 2 that...
This is what I got so far. Few things to keep in mind, this is a futuristic world where Ants are extinct (along with many other species) and Squirrels terrifying the people who live in the poor area's. They are massive and ugly mutated creatures. For some reason my muse came up with it as the thing for this world and I ran with it (really ran with it lol as you will read).

       The aroma of crisp sheets, fine silk, and the scent of overly richness greeted Robyn when she woke up with a bothersome sunray dancing on her face. She groaned, turning her face into the exceedingly fluffed pillow, hoping to return to the bliss of sleep. Unfortunately the oversized squirrel of a migraine made his presence known as he continued the sunrays dance. Each time his oversized foot stomped down her head would vibrate like a drum. Moaning a curse, she opened her eyes only to promptly close them. Her light sensitive eyes felt aflame even behind the darkness of her lids.
       What the blazes did I do last night? Lying there on her stomach in the super comfy bed, she tried to recall her last waking moments. Nothing came to her right away. Had she gone on some binge? She opened her mouth, moving her tongue around and tasted the tall-tale signs of cotton mouth. Must have. She shifted, moving to stretch her legs out, every muscle in her body protested. That and she could feel the luxurious silk against her bare flesh. She was completely naked. I must have had a really fun time.

Hehe. So yeah, I've been a busy girl with my writing. I also plan to go over Death's Grace too. Maybe I'll do that now... Or Choices... Or... I don't know. I'm all over the place lol. Night, or rather morning all!

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