Saturday, July 28, 2012
*Sigh* No word back from betas' still. Sorry guys. Also got side tracked by my bf who was playing Uncharted 3 (I like watching him play). And WoW. Yup, starting to get that old WoW itch again. I won't stop writing this time though. Simply doesn't hold my interests that long. Unfortunately I didn't get much writing done. Maybe 200 words if that. Tomorrow I might not get much done either because I have to travel an 1hr 1/2 to see my parents and spend a few hours with them. Maybe get a tan while I'm at it... I'm so pale Edwards has nothing on me lol. Night all!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Still waiting on beta's for Choices and Falling Rain. So I've been working on Death's Grace. It's really coming to shape well. I had a general idea what I wanted, but was worried I couldn't do it. Even added a few things that surprised me. :D Which it's always a good day when I can surprise myself with my own story. How much longer will it be? Well, right now its at 5,100 words and I generally limit myself to around 10k words or push myself for that amount. Of course sometimes I post stuff around 8/9k, but I'm thinking this one may run a little long. I want to get them at least starting to escape with a plan ready... Whether they actually get there is another story. Still have to somehow get Sam and Sebby boy off the side of the building. Other than that I've been working on my original stories. Finally fixed the beginning hook for my Robyn story.
Uh-Uh? Good or not? I like it at any rate. I will probably tweak it one more time, I got something floating around in my head that it needs, but as of yet my muse has not seen fit to grace me with knowing it. Anyway, that's all I got for now.
Whoever first said that 'dead
men tell no tales' never actually saw
the dead. Or they never tried to read them in the least because for Drake
the image's of the victims in his latest case practically wailed at him. Even
when he wasn't looking at said pictures or at detailed descriptions of the
crime scene as he was now. At first glance even Drake could see someone
mistaking the orange tinted black text from the device he held in his hand as
orderly news for the controlled masses. Who knew that such graphically horrific
nightmares were belayed beneath the surface? Well, he did. Damn, did he ever.
His thoughts numbed as his notes for the Trenson case scrawled further down on
a translucent screen belonging to a small black cylinder device or the PriSn as
the manufacturer deemed to call it. The details of the crime... having the
other cases he knew these plain words failed to grasp the true horror of the
murder. And that said a lot.
Uh-Uh? Good or not? I like it at any rate. I will probably tweak it one more time, I got something floating around in my head that it needs, but as of yet my muse has not seen fit to grace me with knowing it. Anyway, that's all I got for now.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
So finally finished chapter 26 of Choices, Sparks of the Beginning. Waiting on beta's, so now it's out of my hands how much longer it will take until I post. Hopefully they will both get back to me within the next two days... At any rate, I got up to 3k words for Death's Grace. Going to work on that and Falling Rain tonight for most of the night and maybe I'll do some laundry. Picked up the house, my bf is messy. Here this whole time I thought it was me and he also blamed me, but I swear I had one bowl on the coffee table and the rest of it was covered with his beer bottles, other drinks and food. Whatever. I'm just happy that I actually am keeping up with the cleaning. I really feel like I'm changing for the better. Friday I'm supposed to get my new fridge... not that anyone cares. I'm just happy that I'll have one again. Anyway, that's it for now. Time to work.
Monday, July 23, 2012
One name, Batman. One word, Amazing! Obviously just say Dark Knight Rising and I loved it. I was worried, I read online from some reviews that the plot was a cluster fuck. As a writer myself I frankly thought is was well executed. Maybe for normal Joe who has to have everything spelled out for them it was too much, but I thought everything fit together perfectly. And I LOVED the ending. Finally a movie/story where batman lives happily ever after with catwoman. :D I also realized something. All these superhero movies are fanfictions but in bigger movie form. They aren't cannon. Some have tried to stick with the original and only those you could consider cannon and the real versions. All these others versions are simply those peoples fanfictions, their AU's from the original cannon. So cool. I wonder if I can message the creator of DBZ and see if I can get published. Anyway, that's all I got today. Didn't get any writing work done. BUT I did manage to clean the main rooms of my house. All that's left is laundry and minor details.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
I want to write. Need to, got so much pent up thoughts, but I want to work on what I've sent to beta readers and my mother and no one has sent them back. *sigh* Life isn't always fast paced and unfortunately I'm not a patient person. Also, my life is kind of in transition. I'm trying to change myself, stop being a lazy couch bug and be more mature, but at the same time that old life is yanking me back to it. Calling to me, singing like a... I don't know a beautiful singer of some sorts. Eh, that was creative. Not. Also, money is tight. I may have to... *gasp* get a J.O.B. -.- I have one now, but it doesn't have much if any hours really. I seriously have only 100 bucks in my checking account and a 750 dollar credit card charge. On top of this my cell phone just broke and I had to get a new one (part of that 750). Nice phone, but not the best time for it to happen. On top of this I've been without a working fridge for, oh, a good month now. I had to travel 45min to a bigger city because mine doesn't have a Sears or Home Depot. (Can I just say, Depot looks weird. I've never had to spell it, so originally I put Depo... but spell checker is telling me depot. Weird.) Luckily my parents are footing the bill for that. ;D Love you mom and pa!! Also luckily, my boyfriend has two jobs and now that he's getting a steady pay check... rather checks, he is actually paying for things. Hopefully the financial aid office at school gets their butts in gear and tells me what they are giving me. Only have a month left until school starts again so I can wait on the 100/750 issue.
So yeah, that has nothing to do with writing, but it still feels nice to put it down somewhere.
On the topic of writing, I did sit down and do a partial character sketch of Robyn. I tried to draw her, but failed. At least I got her personality down. She's Independent, yet hates being alone with her thoughts. Determined and adaptable -to an extent. She is a risk-taker and a shoot first, never question (out-loud and rarely if ever in her head) sort of girl. She also an adrenaline junkie and drug abuser. She's practical (when it doesn't come to herself personally) and an action-oriented person. She's impatient (hates long explanations), and is loyal to a fault. She's laid-back until something she values is threatened, a rebel wannabe, and not interested in theories or abstractions unless practical. Fun-loving, also to a fault. And needs positive reinforcement to feel good about self (key to her drug use). She has a bad habit of covering up her insecurities and issues with jokes (sometimes anger). She can also be hotheaded and stubborn when people focus on 'her'. She also can be childish and deflects questions.
Very interesting character to write. She has a younger brother that she protected, doing not-so-good jobs to keep him safe and put him through school as they grew up. Still has that older person vibe, but really her brother is the more mature one. It's kind of like a back and forth thing with them. She "thinks" like she's the older one, but they have really switched roles.
So yeah, look forward to finishing this book. IF my mom ever gets the first chapter back to me!!! Ghaa. Well, enough of this. Either I need to go to bed, or I need to do something. Night All.
So yeah, that has nothing to do with writing, but it still feels nice to put it down somewhere.
On the topic of writing, I did sit down and do a partial character sketch of Robyn. I tried to draw her, but failed. At least I got her personality down. She's Independent, yet hates being alone with her thoughts. Determined and adaptable -to an extent. She is a risk-taker and a shoot first, never question (out-loud and rarely if ever in her head) sort of girl. She also an adrenaline junkie and drug abuser. She's practical (when it doesn't come to herself personally) and an action-oriented person. She's impatient (hates long explanations), and is loyal to a fault. She's laid-back until something she values is threatened, a rebel wannabe, and not interested in theories or abstractions unless practical. Fun-loving, also to a fault. And needs positive reinforcement to feel good about self (key to her drug use). She has a bad habit of covering up her insecurities and issues with jokes (sometimes anger). She can also be hotheaded and stubborn when people focus on 'her'. She also can be childish and deflects questions.
Very interesting character to write. She has a younger brother that she protected, doing not-so-good jobs to keep him safe and put him through school as they grew up. Still has that older person vibe, but really her brother is the more mature one. It's kind of like a back and forth thing with them. She "thinks" like she's the older one, but they have really switched roles.
So yeah, look forward to finishing this book. IF my mom ever gets the first chapter back to me!!! Ghaa. Well, enough of this. Either I need to go to bed, or I need to do something. Night All.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Good news! Just finished the love scene between ChiChi/Goku and sent it to my romance beta helper. Got one more scene left, then need the love scene back and I can send it to my normal beta. When I get that back, correct it, I'll be able to post. About time too. Been too many months. When its done I need to decide if I'm going to do the 'dream' thing I was planning or just skip ahead to when Vegeta awakes.
Also got some news on Falling Rain, my beta likes it and that she should have it too me soon. I'm thinking of separating the long scene with one with Hawke and the crew, then finishing with Rain going into the kitchen to brew tea. Then walk into the 'storage room' to put her special bag away and... Right surprise. Can't say or else I'll ruin it. But so far she touched on everything I wanted for the scene and I'm happy to say it sounds like I did it right. Really excited to where this is going.
As for Death's Grace, I'm making good progress with that as well. Finished the second scene and started on the next part of the dream. This project is still in its infancy thought/plot wise. I've spent so many hours thinking over my other ones, even Resistance. I got a lot of cool ideas for this, just not sure how to put them together and right now I'm really just letting the characters drive it and solving the current issue they face. Sam's safety. I still haven't exactly decided if she will be in a romance with Fenris or one of the other characters yet. I'm leaning that way now...
My original works are currently on hold. I keep getting this itch to rewrite what I have for Eternity's Light Series, which has nothing to do with Eva but the first characters that actually inspired the world of Alkaline. Kera and Blaise. Or Sly/Deven and Blaise. Maybe I should just finish that story, which is the main one for this world before starting on the 'beginning' stories the ease people into this world. Might also help to hammer out Blaise's character before trying to write him without a memory and giving it away the big secret... Ops guess I just did that. Oh well, only true fanatics will go back this far and I guess they deserve to get hints. lol
Then there's the Night Mist Series. Sent my mother my reworks, she's helping me with minor editing and also trying to create a hook sentence. The one I have is clumsy/wordy. Other than that I have started the second chapter and know what I want to do for the most part scene(s) wise.
So, yeah. That's were I'm at today. Good progress for fanfictions, not so much for original stories.
Also got some news on Falling Rain, my beta likes it and that she should have it too me soon. I'm thinking of separating the long scene with one with Hawke and the crew, then finishing with Rain going into the kitchen to brew tea. Then walk into the 'storage room' to put her special bag away and... Right surprise. Can't say or else I'll ruin it. But so far she touched on everything I wanted for the scene and I'm happy to say it sounds like I did it right. Really excited to where this is going.
As for Death's Grace, I'm making good progress with that as well. Finished the second scene and started on the next part of the dream. This project is still in its infancy thought/plot wise. I've spent so many hours thinking over my other ones, even Resistance. I got a lot of cool ideas for this, just not sure how to put them together and right now I'm really just letting the characters drive it and solving the current issue they face. Sam's safety. I still haven't exactly decided if she will be in a romance with Fenris or one of the other characters yet. I'm leaning that way now...
My original works are currently on hold. I keep getting this itch to rewrite what I have for Eternity's Light Series, which has nothing to do with Eva but the first characters that actually inspired the world of Alkaline. Kera and Blaise. Or Sly/Deven and Blaise. Maybe I should just finish that story, which is the main one for this world before starting on the 'beginning' stories the ease people into this world. Might also help to hammer out Blaise's character before trying to write him without a memory and giving it away the big secret... Ops guess I just did that. Oh well, only true fanatics will go back this far and I guess they deserve to get hints. lol
Then there's the Night Mist Series. Sent my mother my reworks, she's helping me with minor editing and also trying to create a hook sentence. The one I have is clumsy/wordy. Other than that I have started the second chapter and know what I want to do for the most part scene(s) wise.
So, yeah. That's were I'm at today. Good progress for fanfictions, not so much for original stories.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Okay, so didn't get any more Choices done... But! I did just write this for Death's Grace. I'm really excited, these scene turned out nicely and can't wait to see what happens next.
Lol doesn't it just give you the chills? Hopefully it does, that was what I was trying for. Now I'm wondering if I should continue on to the next scene, do Choices, or start picking up the house some more... *sigh*
Picking the knife up
that had been knocked my way. I stood slowly. My hand trembling as fluid rolled
down my cheeks, my arms, and dripped from the tip of the blade. The same
substance that covered me had soaked into the plush carpet that had once been a
soft lavender blue and the still partly warm liquid squeezed through my toes as
my feet sank further down. Around me the room was a frozen dungeon. Ice
crystals formed a shell on the window. Icicles cascaded off any edge where one could
and my breath came out in huge puffy breaths as I stared at her. Stared at the
woman who was no longer just a woman.
She hovered over her husband's body, back to me and yet I could see her covered
in his blood, like me, as it dripped off her body like a leaky faucet. Then
again his life sustaining fluid was everywhere but in the fleshy vessel it
belonged in.
I was too scared, too
numb to grasp what the harsh artificial lights of the living room overhead fan bejeweled
with razor ice crystals showed me. Even when I had witnessed the occurrence
first hand I couldn't bring myself to move. So rattled was I that even the
overwhelming smell of metallic blood felt distant. Like I wasn't there,
standing in the center of a blood bath. And yet I knew painfully that I was, could
feel the bruises blossoming on my arms and back or the stinging sensation from
the gash on the back of my head. Dull throbbing that kept me anchored to
reality, no matter how much I wished it otherwise.
A soft chuckle escaped
her. At first only a murmur, but gradually began to grow until she threw her
head back and the insane, crazed sound filled the room. Hearing Lillian laugh
as she was, was not something I had ever needed to hear or anything I wanted to
hear again. Yet, even I knew it was the low base tone that joined her bright
alto, becoming a duel voice in one with the dark undertone that belayed the
true madness from within her.
He had taken over her
The menace that had
been haunting me, haunting all of us relentlessly these past five months within
this once peaceful dwelling had finally decided enough was enough and attacked.
How had he passed all my protection? How? I had thought I had covered every
base... But I never knew ghosts could take over the livings' bodies!? Nothing online had said that! Still laughing
Lillian, or rather Mr Shady I had been calling the evil ghost, turned, looking
over her shoulder to see me. I shuddered at the dark glint in her eyes.
I recalled then what I
knew about this ghost from my research: Robert Jensen. Shot by police at
twenty-eight at Mr Zippy's Funland. Serial killer. Murdered seventeen girls
between the ages of six and fourteen. Assaulted them. Mutilated them. Then
killed them in the most brutal ways imaginable. I took a step back, the images of said dead girls springing to my mind.
At nine, it had been difficult collecting this information. Especially the more
sensitive details, but just like everything else I had managed to learn quickly
this past year, fear for one's life was a very good motivator. You grew up
quick. You picked up things faster. And seeing that I was so young my brain was
at the prime time to develop such skills. You know, what with those nerve
bridges still growing faster than that of an adult and all. Or so that article on
brains I had stumbled upon online had said.
My thoughts ceased as
Lillian turned, the laughter dying, but the wicked smile remained. Raising her
hand, palm up, she moved her fingers in a 'come here' gesture. "Come
closer, little girl. I promise not to hurt you."
I took a few steps
back, my gaze going to my adopted father's body, then back to her, swallowing. The
cold bloody wall greeted my back and I nearly screamed, startled. I couldn't go
any further. I was trapped in this house with a murdering psychotic ghost who
had my adopted mother's body hostage. What was I going to do?
Lol doesn't it just give you the chills? Hopefully it does, that was what I was trying for. Now I'm wondering if I should continue on to the next scene, do Choices, or start picking up the house some more... *sigh*
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
I got a huge amount of Choices next chapter done last night and I was hoping to get more done today, but damnit my house is filthy and I'm tired of it. There is seriously almost a foot deep pile of clothes at the bottom of my down stairs before the laundry door and food/junk was stacked on every available surface. Don't get me started on the kitchen -.- I think the biggest issue I had in getting myself to do it was that I didn't know where to start the mess was that overwhelming. So I finally broke down today, went to Wally-world and got these rope tubes to organize the laundry and recycling trash. Got all the trash taken care off... started on the laundry and the stupid tubes are already full of clothes and I hardly made a dent. fml So I'm taking a break now and complaining about how piggy my boyfriend and I were/are. Also have to deal with my stupid financial aid for college. And then take my cat to the vet tomorrow. Ghaa!!! There's too much to do. Word to the wise, don't let your house get this bad. It really sucks.
Okay, so enough whining... I'll try and work on Choices some more, just need to change the music and put my headphones in and I'll hopefully be golden.
Okay, so enough whining... I'll try and work on Choices some more, just need to change the music and put my headphones in and I'll hopefully be golden.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Soooooooo... Got the next chapter of Death's Grace up. Would have finish sooner, but I had a minor writers block on the last 500 or so words. Then while I was letting my mind relax I came up with something to add... which I feel makes it that much better, but time will tell. Still waiting on my beta getting that scene back to me. -.- Makes me worried. Is it bad? Geez, I hope not. Took me a while to write it. Anyway, need to decide now if I'll work on Choices or my futuristic story... If I start Choices, I need to stick with it until the first saga's over with. That's a big project. I really want to write my own stories too. Got an itching yesterday to write Blaise/Kera's story, looked at it. That's about as far as I got. As far as writing goes that's were I'm at.
Check list Update:
-Still need first scene of Chapter four of Falling Rain back from beta.
-Finished Chapter 4 of Death's Grace.***** Yay*****
-Work on Choices next chapter.
-Work on Robyn's Story.
-Work on Eternity's Light Series.
Check list Update:
-Still need first scene of Chapter four of Falling Rain back from beta.
-Finished Chapter 4 of Death's Grace.***** Yay*****
-Work on Choices next chapter.
-Work on Robyn's Story.
-Work on Eternity's Light Series.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Ahh, so after that huge night of writing.... I did something bad, bought a bunch of expansions for sims 3 and got lost in the pointless simulation game. But it was fun! Anyway, back again after going cold turkey on the game. Re-edited the three Death's Grace chapters and currently looking over what I have for chapter 4. Had about 5k words before I stopped. I like most of it, but it's missing that little extra. Also need to add the new plot line to it. As for Falling Rain, I have most of chapter 5 done and sent to my beta. Just waiting on her to get her opinion before I do the last small scene. As for Choices. I sent what I had to my friend who's helping with love scenes. Hoping to get that back soon so I can finish that... Resistance, well haven't looked at it since redoing chapter 1. I know I'm not done so for now it's on hold. As for Robyn's story... she's bugging me, nagging that I write her story as are all the other stories... Ghaa!
So check list:
-Get Falling Rain back from beta and finish last scene. Get that to my beta... Then post
-Figure out some sort of object that I can use in Death's Grace to better connect the scene I'm in. Symbolic would be nice but don't need to be. Make it smoother and add sensory. Then add the scene with new characters before the action packed ending scenes. Should I leave readers hanging? Work out kinks, then post.
-Get choices back from friend and finish last few scenes. See if my beta is still alive.... Then post.
-Robyn's story... just figure out what I want from this chapter!!
-Eternity's light series... really just need to start writing!!!
So yeah, that's a heavy list and on top of that I'll be out in the middle of no where for four days seeing nature. ;D Maybe I'll get inspired? I hope so.
So check list:
-Get Falling Rain back from beta and finish last scene. Get that to my beta... Then post
-Figure out some sort of object that I can use in Death's Grace to better connect the scene I'm in. Symbolic would be nice but don't need to be. Make it smoother and add sensory. Then add the scene with new characters before the action packed ending scenes. Should I leave readers hanging? Work out kinks, then post.
-Get choices back from friend and finish last few scenes. See if my beta is still alive.... Then post.
-Robyn's story... just figure out what I want from this chapter!!
-Eternity's light series... really just need to start writing!!!
So yeah, that's a heavy list and on top of that I'll be out in the middle of no where for four days seeing nature. ;D Maybe I'll get inspired? I hope so.
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