Sunday, July 22, 2012


I want to write. Need to, got so much pent up thoughts, but I want to work on what I've sent to beta readers and my mother and no one has sent them back. *sigh* Life isn't always fast paced and unfortunately I'm not a patient person. Also, my life is kind of in transition. I'm trying to change myself, stop being a lazy couch bug and be more mature, but at the same time that old life is yanking me back to it. Calling to me, singing like a... I don't know a beautiful singer of some sorts. Eh, that was creative. Not. Also, money is tight. I may have to... *gasp* get a J.O.B. -.- I have one now, but it doesn't have much if any hours really. I seriously have only 100 bucks in my checking account and a 750 dollar credit card charge. On top of this my cell phone just broke and I had to get a new one (part of that 750). Nice phone, but not the best time for it to happen. On top of this I've been without a working fridge for, oh, a good month now. I had to travel 45min to a bigger city because mine doesn't have a Sears or Home Depot. (Can I just say, Depot looks weird. I've never had to spell it, so originally I put Depo... but spell checker is telling me depot. Weird.) Luckily my parents are footing the bill for that. ;D Love you mom and pa!! Also luckily, my boyfriend has two jobs and now that he's getting a steady pay check... rather checks, he is actually paying for things. Hopefully the financial aid office at school gets their butts in gear and tells me what they are giving me. Only have a month left until school starts again so I can wait on the 100/750 issue.

So yeah, that has nothing to do with writing, but it still feels nice to put it down somewhere.

On the topic of writing, I did sit down and do a partial character sketch of Robyn. I tried to draw her, but failed. At least I got her personality down. She's Independent, yet hates being alone with her thoughts. Determined and adaptable -to an extent. She is a risk-taker and a shoot first, never question (out-loud and rarely if ever in her head) sort of girl. She also an adrenaline junkie and drug abuser. She's practical (when it doesn't come to herself personally) and an action-oriented person. She's impatient (hates long explanations), and is loyal to a fault. She's laid-back until something she values is threatened, a rebel wannabe, and not interested in theories or abstractions unless practical. Fun-loving, also to a fault. And needs positive reinforcement to feel good about self (key to her drug use). She has a bad habit of covering up her insecurities and issues with jokes (sometimes anger).  She can also be hotheaded and stubborn when people focus on 'her'. She also can be childish and deflects questions.

Very interesting character to write. She has a younger brother that she protected, doing not-so-good jobs to keep him safe and put him through school as they grew up. Still has that older person vibe, but really her brother is the more mature one. It's kind of like a back and forth thing with them. She "thinks" like she's the older one, but they have really switched roles.

So yeah, look forward to finishing this book. IF my mom ever gets the first chapter back to me!!! Ghaa. Well, enough of this. Either I need to go to bed, or I need to do something. Night All.

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