Friday, December 28, 2012
Chapter twenty nine up!! Even with christmas I managed to knock out a 10k chapter. Sweet! I also redid the cover for the first one and made models for the next two. Let's hope this productiveness stays.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Yay! I got chapter 28 done. :D Now I need to decide if I wanna start working on 29 or work a little on rewriting previous for these next few days -seeing as I won't have a lot of time to myself. Eh... I feel like working on new chapters. Anyway. Happy Holiday's everyone. I probably won't post anything on here until afterwards.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
So working on rewriting chapter 11 now. Speedy speedy, I know. Thing was not all the chapters needed rewriting. Just a few fixes between five and nine that took hardly anytime. I keep reminding myself that I want to add NEW chapters and for that reason if something doesn't bug me that much I'll leave it (and believe me there were bunches of things that bugged me, but I could live with them unlike the bulk of the things I did change). Anyways. Halfway through 11. Will have it done tomorrow morning. I have actually read three chapters ahead. I was too tired to think write to fix chapter 11, but not enough to sleep so I kept reading. I'm happy to say there are not any major issues with them and probably won't be many after either so I say a few more days and I'll get started on finishing chapter 28. Hope those who are on winter break are having a good one.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Okay so had to reread my own story to make sure I'm not forgetting anything... And, big surprise, I decided the beginning chapters were not the quality I liked. I have re-re-rewritten chapters 1-3 and am starting on 4 now. Roughly a chapter a day. I don't think I will have to rewrite all of them, especially the last ones which I know are okay, but my voice/style has changed yet again and I realized/saw where I was being lazy on these first four. So while you guys might not see it, I am working -slowly, but surely- on Choices!
Friday, December 14, 2012
Finals are done!!!! And now that I'm free from school obligations I am fully committed to finishing Choices saga one before the month is out (or in the least getting almost done). I may or may not work on other fanworks during this time, depends on how I'm feeling and how much I have gotten done on Choices. So ye all been warned. I will be posting like crazy. ;D
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Plot bunnies are evil during finals! But hey I finally figured out how to combine/work in some of my older plots that haven't gone any where. Introducing the wild series of stories from Tales From The Grave with the prequel to all of them Tale To the Grave:
Tale To The Grave-
Prequel to the three series of stories for Tales From The Grave, all of which
start out similar and yet become vastly different AU worlds. This is to show the
events leading up to Bulma's death by Freeza after Earth is invaded for the
sole purpose of making Humans slaves.
Tales From the Grave-
~BitterSweet Vengeance-
Bulma gladly accepted the spirits' terms when they asked if she wanted to take vengeance upon those who killed her and enslaved her people, but will she find
the price too much when nothing is as black and white as she thought?
~When Gods Come To
Seconds after the bliss of death comes, Bulma finds that the human sufferings
have awakened Earth's Old Gods. Not wanting to die yet and partly wanting vengeance she
merges with one. Will her new mischievous self punish those who have done her
wrong or lead her into more trouble and to a second death?
~Living Metal-
Is there something worse than death? Yes, having your not yet cooling corpse be
a plaything for a mad scientist. A newly resurrected Bulma must struggle to
keep what little humanity she has left as she fights for her freedom from her
two masters or else risk becoming a monster worse than them both.
Thoughts? Ideas? I'm open to suggestions!! Frankly I'm excited and it's distracting me from this stupid paper I'm supposed to be writing... So I thought posting it on here would help me concentration since its telling someone. (Yeah right! Makes me want to write the damn things...) Anyway, time to go make crap into art.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Well, school is over with but I still have three projects I need to complete before I can concentrate on my writing -.- sucks, I know but that is life. Just wanted to say, almost there just one more week!
Friday, November 30, 2012
Been a while. Something I dislike, but hey its life and I haven't had time. I have posted chapter 6 of Falling Rain, hopefully I get reviews this time. Depressing when you don't. With this semester almost over I can't wait to start writing again, almost a month to do what I wish. Really need to finish the first saga to Choices, way behind scheduled on that one. Anyways, hope all is going good for everyone else!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
I decided to post chapter 27 even though my beta has not gotten it back to me, mainly because I needed the distraction and need reviews. My boyfriends mother passed away on the 6th... It's been a trying stressful week and I'm sure more are to come. She was going to be my mother-in-law and I had known her for nearly 8 years. But even without my emotional thoughts added to it, this is my boyfriends first brush with death. So yeah, I didn't want to say anything on Choices (and I won't on my other stories when I post) because I don't want to guilt people into reviewing. Don't want reviews saying only sorry about your loss, etc. I want reviews on my work. So here is to hoping I will get any sort of reviews. My last two chapters for my Dragon Age stories only got one. Rather depressing...
Monday, November 5, 2012
Roughly 11k words for the next chapter of Falling Rain and that is only the rough drafts, Woot! Hopefully it's good. When sitting down to write this the second scene was only supposed to be a short 2k section going into the confrontation with Hawke, but then the characters started making the scene bigger and bigger and now that confrontation has been moved back for chapter 7. We learn a startling revelation about Rain in a rather unorthodox way, which I was planning to save for later, but to be honest I think this way works better. Answers questions while giving more and also make things far more complicated as Fenris opinion about her shifts drastically. Oh of course he still dislikes her being an odd mage and how she does things, but I think he will get over it rather quickly knowing this big piece about her. Anyway. That's it for now. Go out and vote everyone!
Friday, November 2, 2012
Halloween is over (and now I'm 23), and on to Thanks Giving it seems. I can't wait until this semi is over and winter break is here, I will finally be able to concentrate on my fanfic writing again. That one-shot never got done, but there is always next year. My goal is to work on some of them this weekend if I get my list of "Must be done" finished. I've been a bad bad bad beta reader. -.- But I swear I didn't mean to neglect. As for Choices. I'm messaging my beta and asking her what's up. The next chapter has been done for a very long time other than her going through it and I feel horrible to wait so long. Well, back to the gridstone. Hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Thought I'd sit down and tell everyone that I am indeed alive. Unfortunately got no better excuse other than the usual ones. I'm working hard (or was it hardly working haha) but I am planning on doing a halloween one-shot for TDS. So look forward to that! Will feature our favorite DBZ couple ;D. Anyway, hope life is treating you all good. Cya on the calm down.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Chapter 5 of Death's Grace ~ Converging Dreams is posted!!!!!
What I was hoping for with this was weave together events that transpired during different times through dreams. All the dreams were had by Sam, but then Maeve, this character that nothing is known about, is shown to have dreamed them along with Sam and even where Sam currently is: dangling from a building. This was to carry on the others drive to save her and that story arch, but overall to give even more background on Sam and who she is. Hopefully I got everything I wanted to across.
Choices... I'm still waiting on my beta to get that back to me. Frustrating that it's taking so long but she has a life like everyone else.
Anyway, now I need to do something productive with my day (at 7:44pm???) because I was killing zombies all day through Resident Evil 6.
What I was hoping for with this was weave together events that transpired during different times through dreams. All the dreams were had by Sam, but then Maeve, this character that nothing is known about, is shown to have dreamed them along with Sam and even where Sam currently is: dangling from a building. This was to carry on the others drive to save her and that story arch, but overall to give even more background on Sam and who she is. Hopefully I got everything I wanted to across.
Choices... I'm still waiting on my beta to get that back to me. Frustrating that it's taking so long but she has a life like everyone else.
Anyway, now I need to do something productive with my day (at 7:44pm???) because I was killing zombies all day through Resident Evil 6.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
I am alive! At least I hope I am... I do still feel my heart very much beating in my chest so I must be. Unfortunately (and I feel like I'm unfortunately saying that way to much!), I have been bogged down by school and life. I feel like I get caught up only to find out that there is more I have yet to do. On top of this I have not gotten a single review for that chapter of Falling Rain I posted and got a harsh critique from my advanced creative writing teacher... So needless to say I haven't felt like writing much with such bad stigma's floating about. I did however, help write a chapter for Team Dragon Star's Divided We Fall, and that should be posted in a few days or so. And I also had to write ten more pages for that advanced creative writing class and the teacher told me "It helps a little" in understanding chapter one. -.- Only a little? *Sigh* I'm still waiting on getting the next chapter of Choices from my beta... but I also need to do her corrections for the last one- eh, I'll do that tomorrow. I really want to get Death's Grace posted and I have been working on that... Anyway, time for bed. Get some good sleep for once that's longer than 4hrs and then get cracking and maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to turn my attention on my own fanfictions.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Ghaa! I've had no time whatsoever to do fanfictions, school keeping me a busy bunny. But I'll have you'all know that I haven't forgotten!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
I finally finished chapter 5 of Falling Rain and added roughly 900 words to Death's Grace. I'm really excited about that. Also am still working on that Choices outline. Unfortunately homework is stacking up. Have a quiz tomorrow, paper due tuesday and exam that day... *Sigh* But still trying to work when I can. Anyway, I'm working on it.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
So much work. Have a paper due for a class on Tuesday and have to study for an exam. But I have been reworking the outline that finishes out the first saga of choices. I've amazed myself again how much my subconscious works without me knowing and am excited by the deviations from cannon that are appearing. Should make things extra interesting. Anyway, back to work.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Ghaa School!!!! It's only the third week and I'm already sick. -.- Blows so much. Anyway, haven't gotten a lot of writing done, been busy with school work and beta'ing. Which reminds me, I got more of that to do.... I did manage to go over the first scene in choices chapter 28 again and work out kinks. But now I'm stuck wondering what I should do now. I might have to just come up with some random prompt and go from there. What I need to get done is *pulls out little blue book of thoughts/ideas/lists of things I need to do and looks* I need to still show the little tension between ChiChi/Goku. I need to show ChiChi helping Bulma with the Expo. Need to show Tash and Bulma getting friendlier, or in the least mention it in passing. Should probably mention Yamcha... and do some foreshadowing for the next saga. I was think of doing this all from Gohan's prospective since I haven't done that at all and want to start introducing him as a character. He hasn't had much of a big part to play other than in mention and while Bulma/Vegeta are the main characters in the bulk of this story Gohan will later become just as important. But yeah... don't see how to make that interesting. Hopefully I'll come up with something.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
I'm still here. Just starting to drown in school... lol It's not that bad. I'm actually enjoying most of my classes. Should really help me with my writing and stories. I've been getting itches to continue writing and probably would have wrote some tonight if not for cute cat videos and their ability to suck you into oblivion. Oh-my, my spelling is horrible. I just went though what I wrote and had righting instead of writing... I'm really tired (which I just spelt as time hahaha). I shoudl go so bed now.... er go to bed. Yeah...
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
So finally finished that one-shot for TDS. (Down below if ya wanna read it.) Which means I'm now free to use what little time I have out of school to continue writing. I have sent chapter 27 of choices off to my Beta and have gotten 16 back, so we are making progress there. Have lots of reading for my classes to do, but those same classes tell me to write at least 500 words a day in something... anything really, just to keep up with my skills and practice. So way I look at it I'm simply doing homework hehe. Anyway, going to read some and hit the sack, I'm tired and have an early morning tomorrow -.- Night all!
Dragon Age 2 One-Shot
to Acceptance
Marian Hawke leaned against the crimson
wall next to the window, staring blankly at the ground at her bare feet. The
day outside that window, beyond her closed curtains was a crisp chilly, but bright
and overall ideal morning with perfect petite cotton puffs in the clear blue sky.
Children snickered. Upper-cusp lords strolled through the courtyards,
vaingloriously bolstering their latest conquests -whether that be about their
fellow peers, trade agreements, their purse, women, or the prostitutes of the
Blooming Rose. Elitist ladies hunted in packs, hiding behind their silky and
painted facades, tracking that latest wounded prey that they could viciously
devour with their lashing words of velvet. No doubt they were searching for
her, the great, wonderful, and glorious Champion of Kirkwall. Beautiful as well
as intelligent, she was the defender of justice, and the killer of the terrifying
Arishok. She could do no wrong in the eyes of the simpleton as she assisted the
weak, poor, and helpless with every step she took.
She helped all but those who truly
mattered most, instead failing them time and time again.
Feeling the pre-warning sting of
tears, she closed her eyes briefly. Willing herself to just... be. With a shake
of her head, she let it all go and opened her blue eyes once more. Unfolding
one of her crossed arms, she went to pull the curtain back a little only to
grasp the rich red, russet, and gold weaved material in her trembling hand. Why
should she bother looking when she already knew what she would find? A world so
noxious and ferocious even the slightest of nicks would have men falling to
their knees, skin melting, giving way to rotten worm ridden muscle, and
blackened veins.
No, this fragile life was far
safer in the shadows.
Marian released her knuckle white
grip, jerking her hand away from the curtain. Her eyes lingered there, staring
at the only remaining barrier between her and that lethal world that took all
and left no quarters. She endured in the dark shadows of her room. And while most
feared the dark. She, however, found the darkness comforting. It was a warm
blanket that wrapped around and embraced her, keeping her safe from this harsh
cold world outside her windows. The darkness never fooled the living into
thinking they were safe. It had dangers just like everything else, but she
could face those dangers head on. The light. The sinister light lied. Just like
those Elitist ladies and their facades. Lulled the living into a false sense of
security, made them believe that since light was out no harm could befall them.
At first, like everyone else, she had bought
into these lies. Had denied the danger of the light. She had denied the truth even
when this danger had been standing there before her, staring right back with her
own blue eyes. How? How could it be true?
But then denial swiftly fell away
to anger. She was tired of this lie. Tired of pretending she couldn't see this
grim secret. Slowly she turned her head away, wanting to ignore the light and
the ruthless world that lay beyond. Her gaze took in her room with numb indifference.
There was the fireplace on the other side of the window she rested against, a tall
dark mahogany armoire standing upright in the corner, satin canopy four-post
bed making the main focus of the room, and finally passing another window on
the opposite side of hers was a dark mahogany desk completed with crumbled
papers littered along its glossy surface and raven feathered ink quill.
These objects -her objects- were
normal and comforting like the darkness. It distracted her and kept her from
seeing what shouldn't be there. But no matter how long she fought the pull, she
couldn't keep her blue eyes from falling on what didn't belong forever, and when
her will power left her she finally looked at it. There, in the center of her
room were scattered lilies on the bright red carpet with etched golden designs.
The simple glass vase that had once harbored them shattered into razor sharp
pieces. It was the only sign of her angry outburst a few days ago, the night
following the day of that simple truth about the light being revealed to her.
White lilies.
Her mother's favorite color was
amethyst, not white. And her favorite flowers were amethyst lilies with golden
streaked hearts. Not white. Her
breath shook as she took a deep breath, the stinging returning to her eyes, but
she ignored it as she slid down the wall, pulling her knees to her chest and
started to rock back-and-forth. Back-and-forth. Holding tightly to herself,
wishing for something that could never happen. These were white blighted
lilies. That was not going to change any more than the sun rising and falling
over the horizon each day. It was no use wishing or dreaming otherwise, and
yet, she couldn't help closing her eyes and doing just that.
At least until a knock on her door
broke her from these thoughts and she opened her eyes, glancing expressionlessly
at the sound. She looked away uncaring of the muffled voices she heard, and the
jiggling of the door handle. Her eyes went back to the white lilies, their wilting
and shriveled petals already decaying on her floor. Before the bleak thoughts
could take hold, however, Fenris' low baritone voice reached her ears and she shivered.
This was the first time he had tried to visit her. The others, Isabela, Varric,
Aveline, Sebastian, and even the air-headed Merrill had come to try and talk
her out of her cocoon of darkness. The only place that was safe. None of them
had succeeded. She had wondered when he would try his hand...
No, she really hadn't.
That was probably something she
should have thought, but Marian didn't care. She didn't care about anything at
all, to be honest. Oh-sure, she had cared at first. Cared when she denied it
all. Cared obviously when she threw that vase to the floor in rage, cursing it
to the Void and back. Cared when she bargained with the Maker. She would have
done anything. ANYTHING. Even give up her connection to the Fade. Become one of
the Tranquil. Some mindless, emotionless shell all to change what couldn't be
changed. What couldn't be taken back.
But now...
Now she felt this numb
nothingness. It was like the Maker had heard her - had taken her emotions, her
feelings, and even her very soul - but never fulfilled the bargain. He had her
all, and yet, she was still found in wanting. Her all not enough to complete
the transaction. Maybe it was because she was, in truth, still connected to the
Fade? That she hadn't really severed the connection (no matter how much it
Maker damned felt like it). But she knew, just knew, that it was too late. Even if she did go to the Knight
Commander and make her wildest dreams come true: give herself over and allow the
Commander to make the Champion of Kirkwall, the only mage in the city that had
so far been out of her reach, Tranquil, it was far too late. Far-far too late. Nothing
was ever going to fix this. There was never going to be a happy ending. There
was no hope...
The tears freely filled her eyes,
blurring her vision of the decaying white lilies on the floor. She hung her
head. She knew there was no more "If only..." this or "If
only..." that. There was just
the empty state of being. She smelt the warm salty tears trickle down her face,
at first ignoring them. But as they dripped from her chin into the cloth of her
robe, she reached her hand up and touched her face, almost surprised that she
still had tears left to cry, only that what she felt was a vast duller surprise
than the true emotion. It was so mute. A whisper even... As was the ache in her
Even the memory of Fenris leaving
her after that night the tension finally snapped between them only for him to
leave, felt so distant and... not real. The world. These tears. None of it
mattered in the end. All of it was some twisted sick game to the Maker, if
there was one, and she was simply tired of everything and anything to do with
his game. Life? What was life? What did any of it mean?
Nothing at all.
She slowly pulled her gaze away,
going back to the white rotten lilies on the floor. It wasn't that she was
ignoring him... so much as that she couldn't perceive that he was there. Even
as he walked in front of her, blocking her vision of the shriveled petals
momentarily as he went for the door to unlock it. Her mind was simply rotted.
Rotted just like the flowers before her. As were her memories. Memories of her
father, sister, brother, and mother at the farmstead back in Ferelden. Once
happy, cherished memories that had been twisted by the dangers that lurked in
the light of day, until they too became cold sinister and dangerous themselves,
adding to the rot of her mind.Marian didn't know how long she
sat there, tears clouding the sight of her bare knees -or with the warmth of
darkness surrounding her, yanking her closer into its loving embrace. There was
no such thing as time to her. It could have trickled by or passed in a flash and
she would still feel the same bleak void, the vacant abyss of what remained of
her soul. So when the sound of the window opening reached her, she had no recollection
of how much time had passed from the jingling door handle and Fenris' voice to
that very moment. But it didn't matter, because as he pushed the curtain away
and stepped in the room, the silence of her mind rang in her ears as she tilted
her head and looked up at him. No thoughts came to her as she looked into those
forest green eyes and he frowned down at her, standing in the dimming sunlight
of the now open window. His tan skin and white lyrium markings that snaked
along his body made quite the contrast to her dark room. Her safe haven which
was now breached by the menacing cold light that lied.
The front porch where her father
taught her how to wield her magick... All she saw was his charred oak staff
lying on the worn and scorched wooden planks. Those back roads that lead to the
wilds that Bethany and her used to enjoy picking flowers on and making colorful
crowns... All she saw was that rank smelling Ogre. The Deeproads where her and
Caver finally let go of their rivalry... All she saw was her dagger, with crimson
dripping to the dwarven crafted roads at her feet. And finally Kirkwall, and
the places her mother loved to shop or chatter with friends... All she saw were
white blighted lilies.
Hands gentle grasped her arms and
she suddenly found herself standing. Blinking she looked to the one that held
her, keeping her feet planted firm beneath her. Fenris... was her only thought as she remembered she wasn't alone
in her room any more. She was so used to being alone... He lead her to her bed,
sat her down, before turning away to start a fire in her fireplace. Perhaps to
give them light? Or perhaps to bring warmth? She cared not for the first, and
the second had little effect when she already felt the dark's warm hold on her.
Staring at the floor, her thoughts dulled once more even as the fire kindled to
life, snapping and crackling as it greedily consumed the wood.
Only faintly was she aware of him
standing after that and carefully picked up the shattered vase and decaying
lilies. He went for the door, juggling what he carried as he made sure to grab
the key so that she couldn't lock the world out again before walking from the
room. The door stood ajar with light pouring in through it, accompanying the
small essence of the fire. She continued to stare at the floor, leaning forward,
elbows resting on her knees. That's what he found when he came back in,
standing in the center of her room and simply watching her for a few minutes.
He sighed, taking a step forward.
"I don't know what to say, but I am here."
His voice. His rough baritone
voice had been the first thing that had attracted her. Hearing the undertone of
his own turbulent emotions -probably remembering the last time they had been
alone together in her room and him then walking out on her- drew her attention.
It called out to something within her and she turned her head slightly,
glancing at him briefly before her gaze went back to the floor.
"Just say something..."
she said softly, voice catching, "Anything."
Nodding, his white hair swaying
from the motion, he came to stand two feet from her as he replied, "They
say death is only a journey. Does that help?"
She shook her head. "It just
raises more questions... Journey to where?"
"I don't know." He
shrugged before sitting down next to her. "It's just something people
Marian closed her eyes. Death was
only a journey? It was only a...
She remembered her mother's
smiling face. Remembered how happy she had been when telling Hawke about this
new possible romance, a new path... a new journey to not feeling alone. Where
had that gotten her? Dead. Head severed and attached to the other pieces that that supposed
lover of hers had gathered from other poor miserable women looking for
something more to their dull lives. He had raised an abomination from the grave
and her mother had lost her life to make it, just so he could have something that looked like his dead
wife. Nothing she could do would change what happened. Her mother was gone.
Dead just like her father and siblings.
Everyone she loved was gone.
Fenris didn't say anything as he
took off his claw gauntlets and set them down on the bed next to him before
reaching out; fingers picking up a strand and letting her silky hair slip
through them. No, not all she loved was gone. There was him, still. And her
friends, those same friends that had come to see her, and she had shut them
out. Turned them away.
Tears filled her eyes and she took
a slow, unsteady breath in-and-out. "I... I'm sorry."
His brow creased, frowning and at
first not saying anything before he grabbed her arm and pulled her to him, one arm
wrapping around her slim waist as the other found the side of her face. Forcing
her to look at him as he whispered, "You need not apologize to me, Hawke.
You haven't done anything to me... But I know you seek forgiveness for what...
happened. I'm not the one who can give you that."
No, he wasn't. But just as she was
there for her friends and the simpleton of this city -all of Kirkwall really,
helping them, seeing them through their struggles... this endless journey of
life. It was time she allowed her friends to help her. Releasing a choked sob,
she hugged him, burying her he face into his neck and chest armor, his hold
tightened. It was their turn to help and guide her on this new path without her
family. Help her on her journey to acceptance. Because while she would never
forget, and the pain would never truly go away. She could perhaps learn to
accept this new path her life had taken and carry on.
Carry on until one day she made
the same journey they had made, and hope that on that day she would see them
Sunday, August 19, 2012
So got some news. I have joint the Team Dragon Star on fanfiction. A collection of writers who (clearly by their name) started with dragonball z. I'll be beta'ing and working on writing projects with them. Right now I'm working on a one-shot to make my membership thingy official. And now I'm realizing why I don't like them... so difficult for me to find a topic to write out with so little words or plot. It's a Dragon Age one. And when I finally get it done I'll post it on here, but not my fanfiction account seeing as they will be posting it on the joint account. Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know that I am still working on the other projects too. And then there's school starting Monday... I'm actually really looking forward to it. ;D
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Ahh I'm really loving chapter 28's starting scene from Gohan's pov. I was trying really hard to sound like a five year old boy. So far my favorite quote is "Big people -especially girls- were strange people." To make the scene overall sound like it was coming from a five year old, I had to use really simple sentences. He this... he that. Or when they were complex they didn't really follow the rules right. Hopefully it comes off as a characterization and not me looking bad. Anyways, off to bed and to figure out what else I need to do for this chapter.
Monday, August 13, 2012
So I deleted the poll on my fanfiction profile because no one bothered to use it. That and I have already made my decision what will be in chapter 27 of Choices and at almost 9k words I'm not about to change it now. I do have to say that I'm happy I didn't go with a full rendition of the dream and just showed the important parts. If you guys want more of that world I am actually thinking up another DBZ fanfic story that's based off it. ;D But that is of course after I finish at least the first saga of choices and a good portion of Resistance. Anyway, I am almost done with this chapter, but don't expect a post until next week. My beta still hasn't gotten 26 back to me and I kind of want to get ahead on the chapters so that I can start posting on a regular bases... Here I go, back to the grind stone.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
It's that time of the day where it's late night or early morning... Decided I'd update everyone (if they haven't noticed the flash fiction bar off to the left...), I'm little under 5k words for the next Choices chapter. While I'm bummed I only got four reviews, two of which giving me their opinions on this next chapter like I asked, I'm remaining hopeful. It's only been three days... So basically I've decided with only what those two people wanted (sorry if you wanted to see more of this other life/world, should have spoken up). I decided to show the two most important scenes from this other world -with a lot of inner dialogue for Vegeta. Don't worry, not all of it is that, you will have some Bardock and Bulma. I'm thinking of a scene with the others or Tash, but as of yet I haven't really thought of anything. At 5k words that generally is the halfway mark for most of my chapters I might be pushing the limits with the number of scenes because the two I currently have or long (especially the second one) and very heavy with important information. Don't want to overwhelm everyone. So yeah, that's where I'm at with writing. Unfortunately Choices is the only story tempting my muse and I really want to get this saga over with so my other fanfics probably won't get worked (but there is always a chance). Also another unfortunate thing is my beta having a life. These last chapters my not be beta'd when I post them. Which means I have to go through them extra hard and that will take time. At least I'm writing. Anyway, night everyone!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Just finished changing all the Chi Chi to ChiChi on fanfiction also I thought I would answer a review on her (I'll still put it at the top of the next chapter, just in case).
To VegetaXBulma, Thanks for the review (and thanks to everyone else too!). Since you didn't have an account I couldn't PM to tell you this, but if you have questions it stands to reason others would to. It was a little difficult understanding what you were saying... But Vegeta and Bulma's relation did start out as something physical and is morphing into something more, friendly... with the lust still there but hidden? At least that's my goal. So if you are noticing that then good. ChiChi and Goku will still have issues and he did sort of put Bulma at the same level didn't he? I'll try and put that in the next chapter. ChiChi though isn't the bad person in this story, that was not my intentions and she's only apologized once (as far as I can remember... I know she has had guilty thoughts), but Goku did say he was sorry to in a round-about way in a flash back of ChiChi's. As for the others, Vegeta will never say he is sorry, that's not him. And I think Bulma has said sorry a few times, but I guess it wasn't a true apology? I think it would take a lot for her to admit that she was truly wrong given how headstrong she is. As for missing a chapter, Bulma, ChiChi, and Mrs. Briefs had a 'talk' in that little girl outing they had a few chapters back. It's also safe to assume that they talk sometimes around the house in scenes I'm not showing. As for Bardock and Goku talking, I did mention Bardock having a talk with his son when he was telling Vegeta about the Betrayers. And maybe I should have added the scene or made more of a big deal out of it, but the issue is I want to keep some the bonding stuff a secret and also it will become a bigger issue later and I don't want to repeat myself. Maybe it's just the length between chapters? Something I hope to remedy.
Anyways, I'll have you all know that I have started two versions of the next chapter. Still waiting on more people to comment so I haven't decided yet which course to take (i.e. the dream or not the dream). So if you haven't yet take the poll on my fanfic profile, leave a review telling me, or simply comment here. As for other fanfictions, I'll try to write a few paragraphs in those as well.
To VegetaXBulma, Thanks for the review (and thanks to everyone else too!). Since you didn't have an account I couldn't PM to tell you this, but if you have questions it stands to reason others would to. It was a little difficult understanding what you were saying... But Vegeta and Bulma's relation did start out as something physical and is morphing into something more, friendly... with the lust still there but hidden? At least that's my goal. So if you are noticing that then good. ChiChi and Goku will still have issues and he did sort of put Bulma at the same level didn't he? I'll try and put that in the next chapter. ChiChi though isn't the bad person in this story, that was not my intentions and she's only apologized once (as far as I can remember... I know she has had guilty thoughts), but Goku did say he was sorry to in a round-about way in a flash back of ChiChi's. As for the others, Vegeta will never say he is sorry, that's not him. And I think Bulma has said sorry a few times, but I guess it wasn't a true apology? I think it would take a lot for her to admit that she was truly wrong given how headstrong she is. As for missing a chapter, Bulma, ChiChi, and Mrs. Briefs had a 'talk' in that little girl outing they had a few chapters back. It's also safe to assume that they talk sometimes around the house in scenes I'm not showing. As for Bardock and Goku talking, I did mention Bardock having a talk with his son when he was telling Vegeta about the Betrayers. And maybe I should have added the scene or made more of a big deal out of it, but the issue is I want to keep some the bonding stuff a secret and also it will become a bigger issue later and I don't want to repeat myself. Maybe it's just the length between chapters? Something I hope to remedy.
Anyways, I'll have you all know that I have started two versions of the next chapter. Still waiting on more people to comment so I haven't decided yet which course to take (i.e. the dream or not the dream). So if you haven't yet take the poll on my fanfic profile, leave a review telling me, or simply comment here. As for other fanfictions, I'll try to write a few paragraphs in those as well.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
School is almost here! Aug 20th. Still haven't gotten my financial aid. -.- Scary. But I'm really excited now. All these classes to help my writing. Finally something I can use. As far as house cleaning goes. It's dirty. Again!!! I have to get it clean and laundry done before school. Have to! I don't want to be scrambling, looking for clothes to wear. Still need to apply for jobs. Maybe its mute by now. I've waited too long?
Enough of boring life stuff. Fanfiction. Wish I had more I could say to you guys, but I haven't really been able to write. At least not fanfiction. I have started my (hopefully last) re-write of the first story that got me into writing. Here is the first sentence. I've been working on hooks for my stories and hopefully this is a good one. Let me know, does it make you want to know more???
Enough of boring life stuff. Fanfiction. Wish I had more I could say to you guys, but I haven't really been able to write. At least not fanfiction. I have started my (hopefully last) re-write of the first story that got me into writing. Here is the first sentence. I've been working on hooks for my stories and hopefully this is a good one. Let me know, does it make you want to know more???
"Give in to me. You know you want to," the hauntingly
beautiful male voice resonated through her, kindling both her fear and more terrifyingly,
her excitement.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Wow where did I disappear to? (Oh right, Civilization 5...) Geez. Anyway, got a chapter back from one beta for Choices. Now waiting on my normal one and I will finally post. Hopefully its worth all the wait. As for other writing. For some reason I haven't been able to write the past few days. But I'm feeling my muse turning about and wanting to write, but now I have a lot of work beta'ing for others. Also school starts again on the 20th. (So soon???) I know, right? I feel like it was yesterday when school ended. Happily it's only English classes and some of them should be really fun. (Actually all of them sound fun compared to the biology classes I've had to take). So yeah. I haven't forgotten fanfiction stuff, it's just... complicated. lol
Saturday, July 28, 2012
*Sigh* No word back from betas' still. Sorry guys. Also got side tracked by my bf who was playing Uncharted 3 (I like watching him play). And WoW. Yup, starting to get that old WoW itch again. I won't stop writing this time though. Simply doesn't hold my interests that long. Unfortunately I didn't get much writing done. Maybe 200 words if that. Tomorrow I might not get much done either because I have to travel an 1hr 1/2 to see my parents and spend a few hours with them. Maybe get a tan while I'm at it... I'm so pale Edwards has nothing on me lol. Night all!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Still waiting on beta's for Choices and Falling Rain. So I've been working on Death's Grace. It's really coming to shape well. I had a general idea what I wanted, but was worried I couldn't do it. Even added a few things that surprised me. :D Which it's always a good day when I can surprise myself with my own story. How much longer will it be? Well, right now its at 5,100 words and I generally limit myself to around 10k words or push myself for that amount. Of course sometimes I post stuff around 8/9k, but I'm thinking this one may run a little long. I want to get them at least starting to escape with a plan ready... Whether they actually get there is another story. Still have to somehow get Sam and Sebby boy off the side of the building. Other than that I've been working on my original stories. Finally fixed the beginning hook for my Robyn story.
Uh-Uh? Good or not? I like it at any rate. I will probably tweak it one more time, I got something floating around in my head that it needs, but as of yet my muse has not seen fit to grace me with knowing it. Anyway, that's all I got for now.
Whoever first said that 'dead
men tell no tales' never actually saw
the dead. Or they never tried to read them in the least because for Drake
the image's of the victims in his latest case practically wailed at him. Even
when he wasn't looking at said pictures or at detailed descriptions of the
crime scene as he was now. At first glance even Drake could see someone
mistaking the orange tinted black text from the device he held in his hand as
orderly news for the controlled masses. Who knew that such graphically horrific
nightmares were belayed beneath the surface? Well, he did. Damn, did he ever.
His thoughts numbed as his notes for the Trenson case scrawled further down on
a translucent screen belonging to a small black cylinder device or the PriSn as
the manufacturer deemed to call it. The details of the crime... having the
other cases he knew these plain words failed to grasp the true horror of the
murder. And that said a lot.
Uh-Uh? Good or not? I like it at any rate. I will probably tweak it one more time, I got something floating around in my head that it needs, but as of yet my muse has not seen fit to grace me with knowing it. Anyway, that's all I got for now.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
So finally finished chapter 26 of Choices, Sparks of the Beginning. Waiting on beta's, so now it's out of my hands how much longer it will take until I post. Hopefully they will both get back to me within the next two days... At any rate, I got up to 3k words for Death's Grace. Going to work on that and Falling Rain tonight for most of the night and maybe I'll do some laundry. Picked up the house, my bf is messy. Here this whole time I thought it was me and he also blamed me, but I swear I had one bowl on the coffee table and the rest of it was covered with his beer bottles, other drinks and food. Whatever. I'm just happy that I actually am keeping up with the cleaning. I really feel like I'm changing for the better. Friday I'm supposed to get my new fridge... not that anyone cares. I'm just happy that I'll have one again. Anyway, that's it for now. Time to work.
Monday, July 23, 2012
One name, Batman. One word, Amazing! Obviously just say Dark Knight Rising and I loved it. I was worried, I read online from some reviews that the plot was a cluster fuck. As a writer myself I frankly thought is was well executed. Maybe for normal Joe who has to have everything spelled out for them it was too much, but I thought everything fit together perfectly. And I LOVED the ending. Finally a movie/story where batman lives happily ever after with catwoman. :D I also realized something. All these superhero movies are fanfictions but in bigger movie form. They aren't cannon. Some have tried to stick with the original and only those you could consider cannon and the real versions. All these others versions are simply those peoples fanfictions, their AU's from the original cannon. So cool. I wonder if I can message the creator of DBZ and see if I can get published. Anyway, that's all I got today. Didn't get any writing work done. BUT I did manage to clean the main rooms of my house. All that's left is laundry and minor details.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
I want to write. Need to, got so much pent up thoughts, but I want to work on what I've sent to beta readers and my mother and no one has sent them back. *sigh* Life isn't always fast paced and unfortunately I'm not a patient person. Also, my life is kind of in transition. I'm trying to change myself, stop being a lazy couch bug and be more mature, but at the same time that old life is yanking me back to it. Calling to me, singing like a... I don't know a beautiful singer of some sorts. Eh, that was creative. Not. Also, money is tight. I may have to... *gasp* get a J.O.B. -.- I have one now, but it doesn't have much if any hours really. I seriously have only 100 bucks in my checking account and a 750 dollar credit card charge. On top of this my cell phone just broke and I had to get a new one (part of that 750). Nice phone, but not the best time for it to happen. On top of this I've been without a working fridge for, oh, a good month now. I had to travel 45min to a bigger city because mine doesn't have a Sears or Home Depot. (Can I just say, Depot looks weird. I've never had to spell it, so originally I put Depo... but spell checker is telling me depot. Weird.) Luckily my parents are footing the bill for that. ;D Love you mom and pa!! Also luckily, my boyfriend has two jobs and now that he's getting a steady pay check... rather checks, he is actually paying for things. Hopefully the financial aid office at school gets their butts in gear and tells me what they are giving me. Only have a month left until school starts again so I can wait on the 100/750 issue.
So yeah, that has nothing to do with writing, but it still feels nice to put it down somewhere.
On the topic of writing, I did sit down and do a partial character sketch of Robyn. I tried to draw her, but failed. At least I got her personality down. She's Independent, yet hates being alone with her thoughts. Determined and adaptable -to an extent. She is a risk-taker and a shoot first, never question (out-loud and rarely if ever in her head) sort of girl. She also an adrenaline junkie and drug abuser. She's practical (when it doesn't come to herself personally) and an action-oriented person. She's impatient (hates long explanations), and is loyal to a fault. She's laid-back until something she values is threatened, a rebel wannabe, and not interested in theories or abstractions unless practical. Fun-loving, also to a fault. And needs positive reinforcement to feel good about self (key to her drug use). She has a bad habit of covering up her insecurities and issues with jokes (sometimes anger). She can also be hotheaded and stubborn when people focus on 'her'. She also can be childish and deflects questions.
Very interesting character to write. She has a younger brother that she protected, doing not-so-good jobs to keep him safe and put him through school as they grew up. Still has that older person vibe, but really her brother is the more mature one. It's kind of like a back and forth thing with them. She "thinks" like she's the older one, but they have really switched roles.
So yeah, look forward to finishing this book. IF my mom ever gets the first chapter back to me!!! Ghaa. Well, enough of this. Either I need to go to bed, or I need to do something. Night All.
So yeah, that has nothing to do with writing, but it still feels nice to put it down somewhere.
On the topic of writing, I did sit down and do a partial character sketch of Robyn. I tried to draw her, but failed. At least I got her personality down. She's Independent, yet hates being alone with her thoughts. Determined and adaptable -to an extent. She is a risk-taker and a shoot first, never question (out-loud and rarely if ever in her head) sort of girl. She also an adrenaline junkie and drug abuser. She's practical (when it doesn't come to herself personally) and an action-oriented person. She's impatient (hates long explanations), and is loyal to a fault. She's laid-back until something she values is threatened, a rebel wannabe, and not interested in theories or abstractions unless practical. Fun-loving, also to a fault. And needs positive reinforcement to feel good about self (key to her drug use). She has a bad habit of covering up her insecurities and issues with jokes (sometimes anger). She can also be hotheaded and stubborn when people focus on 'her'. She also can be childish and deflects questions.
Very interesting character to write. She has a younger brother that she protected, doing not-so-good jobs to keep him safe and put him through school as they grew up. Still has that older person vibe, but really her brother is the more mature one. It's kind of like a back and forth thing with them. She "thinks" like she's the older one, but they have really switched roles.
So yeah, look forward to finishing this book. IF my mom ever gets the first chapter back to me!!! Ghaa. Well, enough of this. Either I need to go to bed, or I need to do something. Night All.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Good news! Just finished the love scene between ChiChi/Goku and sent it to my romance beta helper. Got one more scene left, then need the love scene back and I can send it to my normal beta. When I get that back, correct it, I'll be able to post. About time too. Been too many months. When its done I need to decide if I'm going to do the 'dream' thing I was planning or just skip ahead to when Vegeta awakes.
Also got some news on Falling Rain, my beta likes it and that she should have it too me soon. I'm thinking of separating the long scene with one with Hawke and the crew, then finishing with Rain going into the kitchen to brew tea. Then walk into the 'storage room' to put her special bag away and... Right surprise. Can't say or else I'll ruin it. But so far she touched on everything I wanted for the scene and I'm happy to say it sounds like I did it right. Really excited to where this is going.
As for Death's Grace, I'm making good progress with that as well. Finished the second scene and started on the next part of the dream. This project is still in its infancy thought/plot wise. I've spent so many hours thinking over my other ones, even Resistance. I got a lot of cool ideas for this, just not sure how to put them together and right now I'm really just letting the characters drive it and solving the current issue they face. Sam's safety. I still haven't exactly decided if she will be in a romance with Fenris or one of the other characters yet. I'm leaning that way now...
My original works are currently on hold. I keep getting this itch to rewrite what I have for Eternity's Light Series, which has nothing to do with Eva but the first characters that actually inspired the world of Alkaline. Kera and Blaise. Or Sly/Deven and Blaise. Maybe I should just finish that story, which is the main one for this world before starting on the 'beginning' stories the ease people into this world. Might also help to hammer out Blaise's character before trying to write him without a memory and giving it away the big secret... Ops guess I just did that. Oh well, only true fanatics will go back this far and I guess they deserve to get hints. lol
Then there's the Night Mist Series. Sent my mother my reworks, she's helping me with minor editing and also trying to create a hook sentence. The one I have is clumsy/wordy. Other than that I have started the second chapter and know what I want to do for the most part scene(s) wise.
So, yeah. That's were I'm at today. Good progress for fanfictions, not so much for original stories.
Also got some news on Falling Rain, my beta likes it and that she should have it too me soon. I'm thinking of separating the long scene with one with Hawke and the crew, then finishing with Rain going into the kitchen to brew tea. Then walk into the 'storage room' to put her special bag away and... Right surprise. Can't say or else I'll ruin it. But so far she touched on everything I wanted for the scene and I'm happy to say it sounds like I did it right. Really excited to where this is going.
As for Death's Grace, I'm making good progress with that as well. Finished the second scene and started on the next part of the dream. This project is still in its infancy thought/plot wise. I've spent so many hours thinking over my other ones, even Resistance. I got a lot of cool ideas for this, just not sure how to put them together and right now I'm really just letting the characters drive it and solving the current issue they face. Sam's safety. I still haven't exactly decided if she will be in a romance with Fenris or one of the other characters yet. I'm leaning that way now...
My original works are currently on hold. I keep getting this itch to rewrite what I have for Eternity's Light Series, which has nothing to do with Eva but the first characters that actually inspired the world of Alkaline. Kera and Blaise. Or Sly/Deven and Blaise. Maybe I should just finish that story, which is the main one for this world before starting on the 'beginning' stories the ease people into this world. Might also help to hammer out Blaise's character before trying to write him without a memory and giving it away the big secret... Ops guess I just did that. Oh well, only true fanatics will go back this far and I guess they deserve to get hints. lol
Then there's the Night Mist Series. Sent my mother my reworks, she's helping me with minor editing and also trying to create a hook sentence. The one I have is clumsy/wordy. Other than that I have started the second chapter and know what I want to do for the most part scene(s) wise.
So, yeah. That's were I'm at today. Good progress for fanfictions, not so much for original stories.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Okay, so didn't get any more Choices done... But! I did just write this for Death's Grace. I'm really excited, these scene turned out nicely and can't wait to see what happens next.
Lol doesn't it just give you the chills? Hopefully it does, that was what I was trying for. Now I'm wondering if I should continue on to the next scene, do Choices, or start picking up the house some more... *sigh*
Picking the knife up
that had been knocked my way. I stood slowly. My hand trembling as fluid rolled
down my cheeks, my arms, and dripped from the tip of the blade. The same
substance that covered me had soaked into the plush carpet that had once been a
soft lavender blue and the still partly warm liquid squeezed through my toes as
my feet sank further down. Around me the room was a frozen dungeon. Ice
crystals formed a shell on the window. Icicles cascaded off any edge where one could
and my breath came out in huge puffy breaths as I stared at her. Stared at the
woman who was no longer just a woman.
She hovered over her husband's body, back to me and yet I could see her covered
in his blood, like me, as it dripped off her body like a leaky faucet. Then
again his life sustaining fluid was everywhere but in the fleshy vessel it
belonged in.
I was too scared, too
numb to grasp what the harsh artificial lights of the living room overhead fan bejeweled
with razor ice crystals showed me. Even when I had witnessed the occurrence
first hand I couldn't bring myself to move. So rattled was I that even the
overwhelming smell of metallic blood felt distant. Like I wasn't there,
standing in the center of a blood bath. And yet I knew painfully that I was, could
feel the bruises blossoming on my arms and back or the stinging sensation from
the gash on the back of my head. Dull throbbing that kept me anchored to
reality, no matter how much I wished it otherwise.
A soft chuckle escaped
her. At first only a murmur, but gradually began to grow until she threw her
head back and the insane, crazed sound filled the room. Hearing Lillian laugh
as she was, was not something I had ever needed to hear or anything I wanted to
hear again. Yet, even I knew it was the low base tone that joined her bright
alto, becoming a duel voice in one with the dark undertone that belayed the
true madness from within her.
He had taken over her
The menace that had
been haunting me, haunting all of us relentlessly these past five months within
this once peaceful dwelling had finally decided enough was enough and attacked.
How had he passed all my protection? How? I had thought I had covered every
base... But I never knew ghosts could take over the livings' bodies!? Nothing online had said that! Still laughing
Lillian, or rather Mr Shady I had been calling the evil ghost, turned, looking
over her shoulder to see me. I shuddered at the dark glint in her eyes.
I recalled then what I
knew about this ghost from my research: Robert Jensen. Shot by police at
twenty-eight at Mr Zippy's Funland. Serial killer. Murdered seventeen girls
between the ages of six and fourteen. Assaulted them. Mutilated them. Then
killed them in the most brutal ways imaginable. I took a step back, the images of said dead girls springing to my mind.
At nine, it had been difficult collecting this information. Especially the more
sensitive details, but just like everything else I had managed to learn quickly
this past year, fear for one's life was a very good motivator. You grew up
quick. You picked up things faster. And seeing that I was so young my brain was
at the prime time to develop such skills. You know, what with those nerve
bridges still growing faster than that of an adult and all. Or so that article on
brains I had stumbled upon online had said.
My thoughts ceased as
Lillian turned, the laughter dying, but the wicked smile remained. Raising her
hand, palm up, she moved her fingers in a 'come here' gesture. "Come
closer, little girl. I promise not to hurt you."
I took a few steps
back, my gaze going to my adopted father's body, then back to her, swallowing. The
cold bloody wall greeted my back and I nearly screamed, startled. I couldn't go
any further. I was trapped in this house with a murdering psychotic ghost who
had my adopted mother's body hostage. What was I going to do?
Lol doesn't it just give you the chills? Hopefully it does, that was what I was trying for. Now I'm wondering if I should continue on to the next scene, do Choices, or start picking up the house some more... *sigh*
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
I got a huge amount of Choices next chapter done last night and I was hoping to get more done today, but damnit my house is filthy and I'm tired of it. There is seriously almost a foot deep pile of clothes at the bottom of my down stairs before the laundry door and food/junk was stacked on every available surface. Don't get me started on the kitchen -.- I think the biggest issue I had in getting myself to do it was that I didn't know where to start the mess was that overwhelming. So I finally broke down today, went to Wally-world and got these rope tubes to organize the laundry and recycling trash. Got all the trash taken care off... started on the laundry and the stupid tubes are already full of clothes and I hardly made a dent. fml So I'm taking a break now and complaining about how piggy my boyfriend and I were/are. Also have to deal with my stupid financial aid for college. And then take my cat to the vet tomorrow. Ghaa!!! There's too much to do. Word to the wise, don't let your house get this bad. It really sucks.
Okay, so enough whining... I'll try and work on Choices some more, just need to change the music and put my headphones in and I'll hopefully be golden.
Okay, so enough whining... I'll try and work on Choices some more, just need to change the music and put my headphones in and I'll hopefully be golden.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Soooooooo... Got the next chapter of Death's Grace up. Would have finish sooner, but I had a minor writers block on the last 500 or so words. Then while I was letting my mind relax I came up with something to add... which I feel makes it that much better, but time will tell. Still waiting on my beta getting that scene back to me. -.- Makes me worried. Is it bad? Geez, I hope not. Took me a while to write it. Anyway, need to decide now if I'll work on Choices or my futuristic story... If I start Choices, I need to stick with it until the first saga's over with. That's a big project. I really want to write my own stories too. Got an itching yesterday to write Blaise/Kera's story, looked at it. That's about as far as I got. As far as writing goes that's were I'm at.
Check list Update:
-Still need first scene of Chapter four of Falling Rain back from beta.
-Finished Chapter 4 of Death's Grace.***** Yay*****
-Work on Choices next chapter.
-Work on Robyn's Story.
-Work on Eternity's Light Series.
Check list Update:
-Still need first scene of Chapter four of Falling Rain back from beta.
-Finished Chapter 4 of Death's Grace.***** Yay*****
-Work on Choices next chapter.
-Work on Robyn's Story.
-Work on Eternity's Light Series.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Ahh, so after that huge night of writing.... I did something bad, bought a bunch of expansions for sims 3 and got lost in the pointless simulation game. But it was fun! Anyway, back again after going cold turkey on the game. Re-edited the three Death's Grace chapters and currently looking over what I have for chapter 4. Had about 5k words before I stopped. I like most of it, but it's missing that little extra. Also need to add the new plot line to it. As for Falling Rain, I have most of chapter 5 done and sent to my beta. Just waiting on her to get her opinion before I do the last small scene. As for Choices. I sent what I had to my friend who's helping with love scenes. Hoping to get that back soon so I can finish that... Resistance, well haven't looked at it since redoing chapter 1. I know I'm not done so for now it's on hold. As for Robyn's story... she's bugging me, nagging that I write her story as are all the other stories... Ghaa!
So check list:
-Get Falling Rain back from beta and finish last scene. Get that to my beta... Then post
-Figure out some sort of object that I can use in Death's Grace to better connect the scene I'm in. Symbolic would be nice but don't need to be. Make it smoother and add sensory. Then add the scene with new characters before the action packed ending scenes. Should I leave readers hanging? Work out kinks, then post.
-Get choices back from friend and finish last few scenes. See if my beta is still alive.... Then post.
-Robyn's story... just figure out what I want from this chapter!!
-Eternity's light series... really just need to start writing!!!
So yeah, that's a heavy list and on top of that I'll be out in the middle of no where for four days seeing nature. ;D Maybe I'll get inspired? I hope so.
So check list:
-Get Falling Rain back from beta and finish last scene. Get that to my beta... Then post
-Figure out some sort of object that I can use in Death's Grace to better connect the scene I'm in. Symbolic would be nice but don't need to be. Make it smoother and add sensory. Then add the scene with new characters before the action packed ending scenes. Should I leave readers hanging? Work out kinks, then post.
-Get choices back from friend and finish last few scenes. See if my beta is still alive.... Then post.
-Robyn's story... just figure out what I want from this chapter!!
-Eternity's light series... really just need to start writing!!!
So yeah, that's a heavy list and on top of that I'll be out in the middle of no where for four days seeing nature. ;D Maybe I'll get inspired? I hope so.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Soooo. Posted that Chapter 4 of Falling Rain and almost finished with 5. Really hope more people start reading it. And reviewing. Bums me when I don't get any. Uh, started working on Choices. I'm still hung up on that stupid sex scene between Goku/ChiChi. But I have gotten further into it and I have gotten better. I really think the biggest issue is I just have problems seeing the two of them this intimate. -.- Sucks. I might have to chicken out and give what I have, start the next scenes and get it over with cause I really want to get this Saga done with to work on the second. I also just finished my first revision of Resistance Chapter 1. I have to go through it a little more when my eyes aren't so tired, but should have that done soon. Also went through my first chapter of Night Robin. LOVE IT! Fixed a few things. Also started the second Chapter 2 that...
This is what I got so far. Few things to keep in mind, this is a futuristic world where Ants are extinct (along with many other species) and Squirrels terrifying the people who live in the poor area's. They are massive and ugly mutated creatures. For some reason my muse came up with it as the thing for this world and I ran with it (really ran with it lol as you will read).
The aroma of crisp sheets, fine silk, and the scent of overly richness greeted Robyn when she woke up with a bothersome sunray dancing on her face. She groaned, turning her face into the exceedingly fluffed pillow, hoping to return to the bliss of sleep. Unfortunately the oversized squirrel of a migraine made his presence known as he continued the sunrays dance. Each time his oversized foot stomped down her head would vibrate like a drum. Moaning a curse, she opened her eyes only to promptly close them. Her light sensitive eyes felt aflame even behind the darkness of her lids.
What the blazes did I do last night? Lying there on her stomach in the super comfy bed, she tried to recall her last waking moments. Nothing came to her right away. Had she gone on some binge? She opened her mouth, moving her tongue around and tasted the tall-tale signs of cotton mouth. Must have. She shifted, moving to stretch her legs out, every muscle in her body protested. That and she could feel the luxurious silk against her bare flesh. She was completely naked. I must have had a really fun time.
Hehe. So yeah, I've been a busy girl with my writing. I also plan to go over Death's Grace too. Maybe I'll do that now... Or Choices... Or... I don't know. I'm all over the place lol. Night, or rather morning all!
This is what I got so far. Few things to keep in mind, this is a futuristic world where Ants are extinct (along with many other species) and Squirrels terrifying the people who live in the poor area's. They are massive and ugly mutated creatures. For some reason my muse came up with it as the thing for this world and I ran with it (really ran with it lol as you will read).
The aroma of crisp sheets, fine silk, and the scent of overly richness greeted Robyn when she woke up with a bothersome sunray dancing on her face. She groaned, turning her face into the exceedingly fluffed pillow, hoping to return to the bliss of sleep. Unfortunately the oversized squirrel of a migraine made his presence known as he continued the sunrays dance. Each time his oversized foot stomped down her head would vibrate like a drum. Moaning a curse, she opened her eyes only to promptly close them. Her light sensitive eyes felt aflame even behind the darkness of her lids.
What the blazes did I do last night? Lying there on her stomach in the super comfy bed, she tried to recall her last waking moments. Nothing came to her right away. Had she gone on some binge? She opened her mouth, moving her tongue around and tasted the tall-tale signs of cotton mouth. Must have. She shifted, moving to stretch her legs out, every muscle in her body protested. That and she could feel the luxurious silk against her bare flesh. She was completely naked. I must have had a really fun time.
Hehe. So yeah, I've been a busy girl with my writing. I also plan to go over Death's Grace too. Maybe I'll do that now... Or Choices... Or... I don't know. I'm all over the place lol. Night, or rather morning all!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Weird dreams lately.... Very good sign! My best times for writing stem from bizarre and crazy dreams. Which I have to say I finally finished the fourth chapter to Falling Rain, my beta for it is going over it now and should have it posted soon. AND!!! I've started into the following chapter. At a good 4,500 words or so. I also got an itching to starting writing Death's Grace (more like rewrite then add) and then rewrite Resistance. I also got all of my beta reading done but for two things. Someone asked to me to read, not go through with a fine editor viewing, their story I had helped them shape a few months back and then I have to edit the second chapter to someone else's. Considering I had, what... five, six beta stuff to do yesterday I think that's a pretty damn good job :D.
*On a side note, I thought I should start putting songs that I listen to while writing. I know I'm a little OCD so if you can't I suggest don't listen to a song over and over like I do (don't want you hating them), but you guys should check them out!
Songs for Falling Rain: Sad Violin Song & Firelands, The Best of Celtic Mustic
*On a side note, I thought I should start putting songs that I listen to while writing. I know I'm a little OCD so if you can't I suggest don't listen to a song over and over like I do (don't want you hating them), but you guys should check them out!
Songs for Falling Rain: Sad Violin Song & Firelands, The Best of Celtic Mustic
Monday, June 18, 2012
So due to a screw-up on my part (and I feel the school was being sly in their websites), I won't be taking a second class. Which means other than the few hours I work a week, I will be writing. :D Yay! First thought, I should get my beta reading done. Then finish that Falling Rain chapter, work either on Choices or Death's Grace. Also need to work on at least one of my original stories... So yeah, expect to see more of me on FF.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Well, back home after a fun and interesting weekend. Went to a wedding near Seattle. First of all I'm a Pagan and it was a Catholic wedding, IN a church. I felt itching and kept rolling my eyes at parts, but I didn't burn so that's good. The after party was good... until someone danced so hard they dislocated their knee and we had to call the EMT's. How many people can say someone danced their knee out at my wedding? lol Now that I'm back I'll start my beta'ing and writing. I unfortunately couldn't this week end. If we weren't at a wedding we were driving and I ate something Friday that made me ill and my stomach extreme sensitive. Sucked sooooo much!! I also start my next summer class tomorrow. A literature class... sounds like so much fun. (I'm being sarcastic if you can't tell.) Anyway, that's about it. G'night all!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Fanfiction/General 6-13-12
Been a while since I've posted anything. Just got free time and my first class of the summer is over with. After a length writers block and Diablo 3 I can finally say that I am back and better than ever with my writing. Only my muse has decided that it want's to write for Falling Rain and not Choices. (Which I just love the image for... probably why I was drawn to it.) But I'll take what I can get. Chapter one is getting a face lift. Like some of my DBZ writing I feel I've progressed and don't like the first chapter. Two and Three will remain the same except for repeated words. I noticed while reviewing chapter 2 for a class that I had a lot of again's in there. And I hope to have this all updated by tonight and if not definitely tomorrow. Since I'm almost done with chapter rewrite. As for my other writings, fear not, I have not forgotten. Believe me. My biggest issue these past weeks was, what do I focus on? And my mind going in several directions at once. I couldn't simply concentrate on one story. Anyways, until next time... Cheerio!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Views on St. Patrick's Day
This is a response too the History Channels: St. Patrick's Day
I had always known some of St. Patrick's day given my father firmly
believes that we did come from Ireland and when I was younger I spent a lot of
time looking into our families background.
Unfortunately ship manifests don't go back to when the first Irish
started coming over -after England took control. I biggest question is: Was the
holiday and its date really only made
for St. Patrick's Day or like a lot of other holidays that are religious was it
taken mostly from the Pagans? They did mention the Celtics briefly and those
little facts were rather interesting considering I just haven't had the time to
look into this holiday in particular, but they forgot to mention one of the
biggest myths about Patrick and that was he was referred to driving the
'snakes' from Ireland. Clearly snakes are a symbol for the Pagan's. They did
mention that, but only in the light to make what he did and what the church did
as the good 'right' event. Which to me is simply irritating and frustrating
given I am a Pagan.
Given their twisted
one-sided version I decided to look it up, now this is only from one person who
blogged about her family's history and their personal views, but I really wish
the History channel had interviewed a Pagan as they had those Christian priests
and only goes to show how biased even they are sometimes. Anyway, this woman in
her blog stated that growing up for her, especially on this day, was
"vastly different from the popular secular view." She came from a
long line of "hereditary witches" that carried their beliefs since
Ireland. She was taught to reject this holiday, her grandmother would even spit
at the mention of St. Patrick, and over all they shunned wearing black. To me
that was actually startling, but thinking about it I do understand. These
Christians who preached their religion were invaders to her family and the
Pagans. Missionaries were instruments for subjugation of the Irish isle to the Christian
church, and as this author of the blog said again in parenthesis after
mentioning all this, "and who {I'm guessing the missionary people}, worst
of all, wasn't even Irish!" Then again she could be talking about Patrick
himself. She also states that March 17th is a Pagan holiday known as Ostara
(the 2nd spring festival that occurs yearly which is also coincided with Easter).
Now I wonder how
different this documentary would be if they had interviewed people like this
and showed the other side, instead of simply saying 'St. Patrick's Day is the
celebration of the Christianization of Ireland ' -when in fact it was the mass execution
of their Pagan heritage? Really gives it a whole new meaning and now I realize
why I never did celebrate this holiday. Something about it always felt wrong, and here is my answer.
**I got the blog from
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Fanfiction 5-10-12
Okay on chapter 8 on my reread of Choices. Looking stellar. Woot! I thought it was perfect before, now its like omg. haha Fine, fine after chapter 4 there wasn't that much rewriting and now at chapter 8 there's hardly any other than minor issues.
On another note, I've been thinking of rewriting Death's Grace. Only four chapters in, so shouldn't be too bad. But I wrote that all in a rush and I can tell. Can you tell I'm a perfectionist? lol
On another note, I've been thinking of rewriting Death's Grace. Only four chapters in, so shouldn't be too bad. But I wrote that all in a rush and I can tell. Can you tell I'm a perfectionist? lol
Monday, May 7, 2012
Fanfiction update 5-7-12
So... I'm doing choices. Only issue is I had to reread what I have already to remind myself where I'm at exactly and I realized the the first few chapters don't match the quality of my later ones (because I have evolved as a writer, imagine that!), so I'm quickly going through and adding sensory to these few chapters and making them flow better. Plotwise, nothing is going to change!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
General 5-6-12
Ghaa my mind is all over the place. In the process of beta'ing some peoples works. Then I'm trying to think my way through one of my worlds and what I want these one beings to look like or how to explain the magick abilities right. Then I really just want to write, but I don't have the itching to write one in particular and I'm being pulled this way and that and... ARG! So frustrating. Also, if any of you haven't seen the Avengers, I suggest you do. Totally kickass!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Science Exams DONE! 5-1-12
Woot. What a relief! Now to take a break the rest of the night, catch up on lost sleep and then get my two english projects done tomorrow then I can concentrate on fanfiction and writing yay!!!! I'm sooo happy. Really I can't describe how happy I am. Anyway, I think I'm going to take a nap or something. Maybe even get started on some of my writing. I wonder which one I'll do first... Got Death's Grace and Choices I really want to work on. Probably both. Then there's my actual original stories... ahh so much I want to do!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
General 4-22-12
*sigh* Well I'm not done with science. I had to withdraw from Evolution. Shit, Evolution?! It should have been easy as pie. I always make things harder than they need to be. Anyway, haven't had anytime to do writing. It's making me depressed. Also got a new idea for a story. Really excited about it, but again can't do anything because I have to finish school. Back to the grind stone.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
General 4-14-12
So didn't stick to my schedule that I made last night. Which was:
6am- Vertebrate Anatomy: Respiratory System & Circulatory System
9am- Work on Engl 251 final
10am- Vertebrate Anatomy: Urinary & Reproductive Systems
1pm-Work on Engl 251 final
2pm- Break
3pm- Sensory system and review over all of it.
Hahaha! Right. I came home, looked at my email/ read some update on a fanfiction story and fell asleep until noon. But I did at 4-ish start the study guide the teacher posted. Got all the Respiratory system done... took a break at 6pm to get some Starbucks (Double Chocolate Chip Frapicino with 2 shots espresso and three scopes Vanilla bean please!) and yup, that's pretty much it. Started to procrastinate again. But!! I had some random fanfiction person message me and basically praise Choices and ask to beta Resistance. So cheers!! (And thanks Rhiononon.) Also that "nap" I took I got this killer idea for another fanfiction. *sigh* Like I need another one of those, but it was an amazing dream I do have to say. It's for Dragon Age specifically, but I guess I could apply it to DBZ if I wanted to... I think, though, that I'll have it stay Dragon Age. I'm not going to really post anything until I get one of my other stories done, unfortunately. Won't stop me from writing it if I so choose. My muse is fickle like that. I go wherever it takes me. Well... back to studying. So close to this hell being over!! I'll basically have my Zoology degree, but since the job market sucks and I don't want to move yet / or don't know if I'll go into a Masters program in some science field I'm going to double major in English/Creative Writing. I'm soooo excited for next year... shit, this summer too since I'm doing summer school to try and take the course load off me. Right now only got 12 credits for fall, need to figure out one more class, but not sure if I can take another english one. I was actually thinking of French... or German... or hell Japanese since I like watching anime. Won't need people to translate for me anymore. Woot! First, I need to go back over Latin and relearn that. Um... crap, wasn't I supposed to be getting off? lol Ops. Back to studying, and this time for real!
6am- Vertebrate Anatomy: Respiratory System & Circulatory System
9am- Work on Engl 251 final
10am- Vertebrate Anatomy: Urinary & Reproductive Systems
1pm-Work on Engl 251 final
2pm- Break
3pm- Sensory system and review over all of it.
Hahaha! Right. I came home, looked at my email/ read some update on a fanfiction story and fell asleep until noon. But I did at 4-ish start the study guide the teacher posted. Got all the Respiratory system done... took a break at 6pm to get some Starbucks (Double Chocolate Chip Frapicino with 2 shots espresso and three scopes Vanilla bean please!) and yup, that's pretty much it. Started to procrastinate again. But!! I had some random fanfiction person message me and basically praise Choices and ask to beta Resistance. So cheers!! (And thanks Rhiononon.) Also that "nap" I took I got this killer idea for another fanfiction. *sigh* Like I need another one of those, but it was an amazing dream I do have to say. It's for Dragon Age specifically, but I guess I could apply it to DBZ if I wanted to... I think, though, that I'll have it stay Dragon Age. I'm not going to really post anything until I get one of my other stories done, unfortunately. Won't stop me from writing it if I so choose. My muse is fickle like that. I go wherever it takes me. Well... back to studying. So close to this hell being over!! I'll basically have my Zoology degree, but since the job market sucks and I don't want to move yet / or don't know if I'll go into a Masters program in some science field I'm going to double major in English/Creative Writing. I'm soooo excited for next year... shit, this summer too since I'm doing summer school to try and take the course load off me. Right now only got 12 credits for fall, need to figure out one more class, but not sure if I can take another english one. I was actually thinking of French... or German... or hell Japanese since I like watching anime. Won't need people to translate for me anymore. Woot! First, I need to go back over Latin and relearn that. Um... crap, wasn't I supposed to be getting off? lol Ops. Back to studying, and this time for real!
Friday, April 13, 2012
General 4-13-12
Ahhhhh! It's Friday the 13th! Hope no one is superstitious. Me, I was born on Halloween, love black cats (cats in general really), have walked under a few dozen ladders and spilled a lot of salt in my days. So no, I'm not. If anything it was a lucky day, I got into the Beta test for Diablo 3. Yay!! Only took me 5hrs to go through it. Reminded me of all those old days playing Diablo 2, ahhh those were the days, highschool sucked, but I had no responsibilities like I do now. Which reminds me I need to go to bed, I have to wake up at 3:50am tomorrow to lead for work. >.< Blah. Fanfiction wise I have nothing really to report, didn't get to work on it... didn't work on howework/studying either so at least I'm being even, eh? What else did I do? Well besides playing Diablo 3 I slept and went to an arts and crafts fair. I bought another waterfall picture (that I now need to buy a frame for). I really like waterfalls, there's something about them that makes me happy. Well, bed time now. Night world! I know I'm one person and 99.99% of the world don't give a shit, but there it is take it or leave it. Haha
Thursday, April 12, 2012
General 4-12-12
Anger of the day- 10:15am
It's the '11th hour' and I once again find myself unable to finish something that's supposed to be due today. >.< Why Oh-why do I do this? Especially for a class I need to start getting some good grades in just to pass? I only barely managed to get my responses for English 251 done... Oh well, I'll keep listening to Pandora and think about whether I will go to English class or not. I could always just show up at the end with some excuse. What is better? To miss an English class that normally I enjoy but we are going over peoples' works and frankly these works suck... Or go and not have my Evolution Lab done and get marked off when it's already going to be hard to get a mere 70%. I really hate that TA. Grrrr! Seriously! She's so nit-picky it's not even funny. (That IcyRelief- 11:20am
So only an hour later and I'm done. Clearly I missed English. This just shows that it's not so much a time issue, just a sitting down and doing it issue. Still doesn't changed the fact that the TA is a raging bitch! No, it doesn't, but I can only do as well as I can. Pandora is now playing the Dumbo lullaby the plays when the elephant mother is rocking Dumbo to sleep. Makes me want to watch it now. Oh my, and those pink elephants on parade! I wonder if Netflicks has it... I don't really want to go out and buy it like I did for Beauty and the Beast. Guess I could make a trip up to my parents and steal their version (but that's VHS). >.< Great! *Sigh* I really need to do that hip lab write up for Vertebrate Anatomy... Or finish my English 251 project, or 351... I should just get that done and out of the way... Watch its not going to happen. I need a master or something to carry around a huge microphone and yell at me with some whip in his hand. Or in the least threaten that I don't get candy or something. Ohhh, I'm eating Jolly Ranchers... Watermellon my fav. XD Um... what was I talking about? Hmmm, right English, Dumbo, homework. Man my mind jumps a lot. I hope I'm not the only one with this issue. OMG! My boyfriend just found a cherrio in his shoe, one of our three lovely cats must have thought his shoe needed one. Ahhh and on that note time to get ready for Evolution Lab. (A.K.A. Hell with mistress Icy Witch) Wish me luck!
Back to Procrastination- 3:17pm
So, just finished another boring Evolution lab that was completely pointless. Basically watched the sunny sky turn to dark angry clouds, rain, then go back to sun. FUN! Some James Bond movie with Pierce Brosnan is on the TV now. Not sure which one I like more, Danial Craig or Pierce. Their both good looking, and when ever I think of Bond I think of Pierce because that's who played him when I was growing up. But looks wise... I really like Danial Craig. <3 I wonder when the next movie is going to come out.... Hmmm. Wow, almost four and this isn't a James Bond movie. Some remake Pierce did of Thomas Crown Affair. I keep getting distracted by it. Weirdest sex scenes ever... O.o Anyway, I need to do something, writing, homework, something...
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
What I'm Working On Currently as of 4-11-12
For fanfiction:
I'm currently working on chapter four of Death's Grace and trying to work on a sex scene for Choices between Goku and ChiChi. I've never done a sex scene really, so its taking me a while. Big thanks to okieday17 for helping me with the sex scene though. I couldn't do it without her. Falling Rain only has a paragraph or so into the next chapter so I don't see that being updated anytime soon. And Resistance... haha, right. Not going to happen until I finish the first saga of Choices, in the least...For school:
Got lots of stuff coming up in the last three weeks that I really need to get started on. -.-For Vertebrate Anatomy I have Exam 3 4-18, Final Lab Exam 4-25, and a final 5-2.
For Evolution I have weekly lab reports these last three weeks due on Thursday's, and a final on 5-1.
For BioChem I have a final on 4-30.
For English 251 I need to finish the in class diary and non-fiction piece 4-19, then I have the first draft to my final project due 4-17, and finally the revised version due 4-30.
For English 351 I have to revise my final project and write a 3 page paper telling what I did and what I learned which is due before 4-30, then have to revise the first prompt that was an Essay which is due sometime next week.
So yes... I got a lot to do and not a lot of time, but I keep procrastinating. Like with this... I really didn't have to make a blog tonight did I? Of course I did, shheeshh! Get off my back! Haha, anyway should really start getting work done. Hope everyone's day went well!
Fanfiction Stories
Here is my profile to and my Dragon Ball Z/Dragon Age stories.
lilpumpkingirl fanfiction
Choices: Sparks of the Beginning Saga- It's set in an alternate universe of Dragon Ball Z where I answer the question: How would the story of DBZ be different if one low ranking Saiyan took it upon himself to save his people and not all the Saiyans were destroyed that fateful day?
Resistance- Another alternate universe for Dragon Ball Z: (Warning old story/not revised) Bulma's whole world is shattered when the Saiyans, fleeing from Freeza come to concure Earth. Yet, what happens when the two smartest beings of the universe are pited against the collective might of the most prideful race of the universe?
Falling Rain- A Dragon Age story set during the second game. Fenris finds himself in a horrible mess when he goes to the Hangman to meet his sister after Hawke refused to help and finds it was a trick by Danarius. Not only that, but it seems he has a new 'pet'. Can Fenris escape once again?
Death's Grace- Another Dragon Age 2 story. Sam, a woman not of the world of Thedas, but our own, has been an Imperium slave for a decade. With secrets and ghosts literally haunting her, she happens upon Hawke and her gang. How will she effect this world of myth?
lilpumpkingirl fanfiction
Summary of Stories
Choices: Sparks of the Beginning Saga- It's set in an alternate universe of Dragon Ball Z where I answer the question: How would the story of DBZ be different if one low ranking Saiyan took it upon himself to save his people and not all the Saiyans were destroyed that fateful day?
Resistance- Another alternate universe for Dragon Ball Z: (Warning old story/not revised) Bulma's whole world is shattered when the Saiyans, fleeing from Freeza come to concure Earth. Yet, what happens when the two smartest beings of the universe are pited against the collective might of the most prideful race of the universe?
Falling Rain- A Dragon Age story set during the second game. Fenris finds himself in a horrible mess when he goes to the Hangman to meet his sister after Hawke refused to help and finds it was a trick by Danarius. Not only that, but it seems he has a new 'pet'. Can Fenris escape once again?
Death's Grace- Another Dragon Age 2 story. Sam, a woman not of the world of Thedas, but our own, has been an Imperium slave for a decade. With secrets and ghosts literally haunting her, she happens upon Hawke and her gang. How will she effect this world of myth?
A New Start
So I decided to start a blog or something. Not that my new diary isn't enough... oh crap that reminds me I need to write in it. *sigh* I can't ever seem to remember. Got so much to do school wise, I just wish this semester would be over with so that I can concentrate on my writing. My little Stella (a pure-breed Bangal cat) is sleeping on my lap, must be cold. Not complaining though, she's adorable. I started this not only as a diary, but maybe to start getting my writing out there or something.
So I decided to start a blog or something. Not that my new diary isn't enough... oh crap that reminds me I need to write in it. *sigh* I can't ever seem to remember. Got so much to do school wise, I just wish this semester would be over with so that I can concentrate on my writing. My little Stella (a pure-breed Bangal cat) is sleeping on my lap, must be cold. Not complaining though, she's adorable. I started this not only as a diary, but maybe to start getting my writing out there or something.
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